-at mustangs office- were back!
id love a doughnut ^^ what about you ed
dont wish to be rude but......... boys -exsasperated sigh-
im nikki-sama ^^
hi whats up
he says its his cousin doing it but i dont quite believe him
cool add Venus Laputa to your friends list when you can okay i gotta go see you tomorrow
cool add Venus Laputa to your friends list
um kind of its like oblivion but on the internet
my brothers all 5 of them
tell him my brothers werent kidding my cousin does that too exept shes nicer to people
its a gaming site
oh if you dont want your cousin messing w/ your reputation change your password
cool name do you have a runescape account ^^
okay i believe you, and tell your cuz' that his computers virus food if he does that again oh and its Hasate Nokotake or Erryn whichever you...
right then whats my name
whats up ^-^
hi whats up nice to meet you