Some of these are stupid... But some go into too much detail that its kinda freaky on if they really mean it or just bored and posted it.
._. Drake made the song.... So I think you mean Soulja Boy should do more better ._. And I shall always treat Drake as "Jimmy Brooks"
Wait..... I thought Drake did that song >_>
More to come soon, and I need someway to make them just 100x100..because for some reason it wont let me input it >: Cnc please <3
Silly People... Friends can Introduce Friends to other friends that happen to be gay :lolface:
Hmmm Ask a friend...?
No, Halormonster and Rapetar are lezbos.
Ugh, this is so slow tonight >_<
My friend read that, she said it was good :3
Bother you nao
Hot Gimmick :lolface: Enough Drama to Rival KHV
Live Action shows FTW? My So Called Life Power Rangers Legend of the Hidden Temple?
I got introduced to them when I was younger and staying so mch at my aunts house lisening to "Here Comes the Sun" and "Helter Skelter" So Im not into the hype.
I ment it does >_>
Disney XD channel... its up to "IIMMA TOUCH THE BUTT"
Finding Nemo is on TV Just started :3
Oh, so it might work, I'll check... Yeah, you can. Hope this helps. Im surprised you guys know this now..._. I knew this a few years ago on my first ds....before the ds lite came out..
There Region Free, like psp I got that shouen jump fighting game for it and its fine.. though I think it only works on old DS's...not a not sure
You should be on msn, so we can TALK >:
Duh, she is. I like the show, I wish it would come on already.