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  1. Rayku


    But that different, the zygote is just a bundle of cells, cells that can save another child, So if you rather have the abortion and not let it be used for a good reasn, its just useless..

    Use your "Mistake" to help another.
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 6, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Rayku
    It is kinda brooding for NY Autumns though....that is true.
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Rayku
    Isnt there one where he drinks something and he has a drug trip..and I swear its not disney..

    Oh my, looks like theres a jap. one:

    Summary of 964 Pinocchio:

    Pinocchio 964 is a memory-wiped sex slave who is thrown out by his owners for failure to maintain an erection. It is unclear in what ways he has been modified beyond having no memory and being unable to communicate. He is discovered by Himiko while wandering aimlessly through the city. Himiko has also been memory-wiped, possibly by the same company that produced Pinocchio, but she is fully functional. Himiko spends her days drawing maps of the city, to aid other memory-wiped people.

    Himiko takes Pinocchio home and tries to teach him to speak. After much effort he has a breakthrough and finally becomes aware of his situation. At this point his body erupts in an inexplicable metamorphosis and it becomes clear that his modifications were much more involved and esoteric than simple memory loss. Himiko also begins to transform, though in a much more subtle manner.

    The remainder of the movie is mostly running, screaming, and oozing. There is very little plot.

    Oh the one I saw is much better though.

    Post by: Rayku, Sep 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Rayku
    You really hate Autumn dont you....?

    Its not all bad, Holloween is on a Saturday this year :3

    And Private schools get out early the day least for me.
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Rayku


    But the unborn child does not need to be taken out and thrown away, the stem cells can be used to prolong someone elses life.

    So its not going to waste....
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 6, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Rayku
    I like Autumn, the trees make the leaves a pretty cool color and its cool enough to put sweaters on which is nice and comfy. And I see to like to go outside with the leaves blowing so I can take pictures of he nature and go out with friends. :3
    Post by: Rayku, Sep 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Rayku
    Can we get candy now please?

    Post by: Rayku, Sep 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone