I ain't no heartless *Roxas said annoyed* I'm a nobody...Yet I should have no emotions- But he still feels *Kairi interupted* And nobodys are not suppost to have emotions
So he can turn into Oginization members *Riku said also summoning his Keyblade*
OOC Yay? someone my be out there
Your really scared of your farther arn't you?
Need our help Ben? *Riku asked*
Huh...*Larxene said turning to Nana* Oh nothing *she smiled* So your awake now?
OOC anyone out there?
When you say dispose you do mean kill right? *Zexion asked Larxene*
please can I join and be olette and Zeixon Played By: Sora N Roxas Rock Name: Kayligh Age: 15 Type: Nobody Pic: Wepons: Kauni other: She is Zexion's younger sister and also has the power of illusion.
Oh...errm thanks...So what happened to my memorys? *Sora asked* I donno all I know was it ment that we were separated once again...but I hate being part of you I spend less time with Namine *Roxas told Sora* Aww thats sweet *Namine said*
*Dark walked passed the cafe and saw someone with wings* Not what you see everyday
one of who? *both Kairi and Roxas asked*
There is never anything to do around here
how did you get here Gummi ship Riku here? Yah he is
*Kaylix wondered around playing with her fire balls she created to amuze herself*
I love demyx he's cute ^^...I may not be a big fan of him but he rocks! ^^
OOC oh well...My Kairi likes him better than Sora at the moment *Chip jumps onto Kairi's shoulder* I think you upset him *Roxas walked off of the ship* Hey Kairi...Where's Sora Hey Roxas...I don't know and at the moment don't really care
OOC seen as I have seen no one as Roxas (for aslong as I have been on that is anyway) can I be him? Name: Roxas Age: 15 Game: Kingdom hearts 2 Personality: Like Sora just more serious
YAY ZC I'VE MISSED YOU!!!! I've been doing great so thanks ^^ and I'm 16 soon
*chip sticks his tounge out at him* *Dale laughs* *Kairi also laughs*