-looks to the stars and smiles remebering when her, Sora and Riku used to travle to other worlds after Sora and Riku had saved them all-
I wonder where Lucario is? -she asks herself-
-walks to Larxene-
He'll be in his pressious flower garden as normal
Better come up with one quick I mean we need to get rid of Marluxia...and well I don't mind takeing care of him
-kairi sits by the sea looking out hopeing to hear from one of her old friends soon-
ooc can I have a recap please?
can I have a recap please
-Zexion looked over to Larxene- got a plan yet?
OOC Sorry if I don't talk I'm away for a week strarting this wednesday 23rd of july
OOC Sorry if I don't talk I'm away for a week strarting this wednesday 23rd of july and I'm Riku sorry
"I almost had a new freind there Edmy" Ienzo said walking back to the shop "Like I care" Edmy said followin him "I could of found someone for Kayligh and Hayligh to talk to" "Oh"
Roxas Axel Demyx and Zexion are my frave members ^^ of corse Roxas comes first ^^
Ienzo smiled "So your a good heartless then?" "Here you are" Edmy said "Not Edmy" Ienzo sighed "Kayligh and Hayligh are wondering where you are"
OOC by the way Ienzo is a small neoshadow well just a little bigger than a shadow "Hi" Ienzo said to the other Heartless "Where did Ienzo go?" Hayligh asked "A...Around" Kayligh replyed "Edmy go look for Ienzo and make sure he's ok" The Dancer nodded and skated off to look for Ienzo
Ienzo saw Dylan come over to him "hope its a nice heartless" he thaught
Ienzo walked behind Kayligh and Hayligh and seing them go to the shop desided to check if there were any other heartless around