Yah ok then Yah Im hungry too
What? -Kyo Asked-
*Now hes gone and done it...Sorry Yuki* -Haru thaught- Errm he's our pet -Kyo started to smirk- Shut it
You would of...Most people are nice if you get to know them -haru said- Oh by the way you should call me Haru...its easier then Hatsuharu That Rat isn't though You shouldn't talk about him like that What ever
I'm Hatsuharu He's my Cousin
Errm ok then -she said walking again and looking at the sky looking a little sad-
Yah -he said nodding- Yo Kyo -Haru said running up behind him- What is it? I thaught I might as well wonder around with you...noting else to do -Haru looked to Kaname- Hello
Thats a good thing to know...I'm just glad its not another all day school -he sighed-
I'm Kyo Shoma...You seem happy
-as Kyo wondered about he saw Kaname wondering to and walked up to her- Hi
Well here's our rooms -Haru said stopping out side the door- Finaly -Kyo said opening the door then just placeing his suitcase on the bed and walking back out of the room- Not unpacking? Nope I'm gonna wonder around for a bit Fine -Haru said waling into his room and closeing his door-
OOC Sorry I'll stop then for now
-looks at genesis- Err you wanted to ask me something?
So where are our Rooms? -Kyo asked- Room 98 and 99 so up the corridor and to the right I'm guessing -Haru replyed walking along the corridor dragging his suitcase- Been here before? Nope only guessing
Yah? -she asked still smileing-
OOC Thanks for letting me join ^_^ Great another school...I hope it's not another one of them all boy school's -Kyo said walking into the school- According to Shurige it's not -Haru replyed- But this means we have to be carefull Atleast that Rat isn't going to show up...gives me time away from him
Err Hi...Yah I'm Kairi -Smiles-
-Kairi walks back to her appartment looking around-
Can I join please *Name: Kyo Shoma *Age: 16 *Gender: Male *Apperance: *Dorm: Dorm 4 *Elective: Music *About: Kyo can be layed back but is easily put in bad tempers. *Other: He is cursed by the Chinese Zodiac and is the Cat. If a girl who isn't part of the zodiac hugs him then Kyo turns into a cat. He wears a bracelet on his left wrist that he never takes off. *Name: Hatsuharu Shoma *Age: 15 *Gender: Male *Apperance: *Dorm: Dorm 5 *Elective: Art *About: Haru can have two personalitys (Light) Where he is calm, placid but his other side (Dark) When he is Dark Haru He can be edgy and mean. *Other: He like his cousin Kyo is cursed by an animal from the chinese zodiac as he is possesed by the Ox and also like Kyo if he is hugged by a female who isn't part of the zodiac he will turn into an Ox.
-Kairi sighed and continued walking- -Riku walked up behind Kairi and tapped her on her shoulder- -Jumps and screams, turning to Riku- Ahhh...Riku don't do that -she said hitting him- Oww -He Laughed- You look a little down today I miss you and Sora...Neather of you have come to see me for a while