Oh...Oh yah I've seen her a few times
OOC cool in england thats yr 9 you star comp when yout 11-12 years old and start college at about 16...I better go sowwi Ok...who's Myra? -she asked-
OOC cool ^_^...what age do you start high school? (I live in england so -_-; ) -Kairi came out of her room putting her purse into her bag then closed her door- Ready -she said-
OOC lawls ^_^ ( I love that smiley face...I need to get my mum to download photoshop for me so I can use it for college) Great I'll just go grab some munny -she said then she ran to her room-
OOC actuly a little longer wont hurt ^_^ I love going to the beach -she smiled again- I used to always go to the little island across the sea from me when I was younger with my two other friends Sora and Riku
I'm Kairi Harada and I'm from destany islands -she smiled- OOC sowwi g2g got to go o the hospital tomoz talk to yah later ok
I don't really know you that much...but if we get to know each other better then yah -she smiled-
Great ^_^ I've been bored -sigh-
Yah -she asked standing up-
-she sighed and came out form hideing- Oh thank go its only you
Hiya How are you?
Wha? -he said as he sommoned his sythe and hit 4 of the kauni away but got hit in the arm with one- What the hell are you doing?!
-jumps and screams hideing behind the sofa-
OOC has the classes started yet?
Oh sorry Larxene -Marluxia said turning to look at her- I never noticed you there Hey Marluxia -Zexion said- Oh hi Zexion
OOC I'll claim him for now untill someone else claims him -Marluxia was in his room looking after his flowers as Zexion predicted- -Zexion followed Larxene to Marluxia's room-
-sits in her appartment watching a scary movie-
OOC Sorry I haven't been on for a while College and stuff...whats happened?
-Kyo also grabs a tray and gets some food- -Haru grabed a sandwich- OOC got too go sorry
-Kyo followed as did Haru-