what is your problem -.-; your always dissing , say something helpfull once in a while ( i just joined this forum, i dont know if someone already asked this question )
Which KH2 was more fun to play and harder to complete?? To me i think KH2 was more fun beacuse it was SO SIMPLE!!! i mean al u had to do was press X and O and KH1 was harder (especially Cloud the first time i played the game) SPAM AWAY PEOPLE ^.^
^.^ tyvm lol first compliment in this forum woohoo xD hope 2 c u around soon l8az =D
Hey everyone ^.^ just joined Khvids and just wanted to make a first topic, took so long to activate my acount , i went crazy anyway just wanted to say hi. The cutscene archive is great !! =D , already made my first movie ^^ just need to put it on YouTube oh and ive just bought Action Replay MAX for the ps2 and would love to start coding ^.^ oh and 1 other thing i was hoping that someone would have the code to have big keyblades?? If you do Tyz in advance Bi and hope 2 c u all soon ;D