lol stalk away xD nothings holding you back ^.^
aww get sum1 else to chew it 4 u and u swallow xD jk
roxas dude u got an exam 2morrow go 2 sleep (good luk btw) F grade xD
i dun undertand wy he doesnt use 100ft long sword 2 cut it =P seriously its massive (longer than his hair) what kinda mum does he have lols
eww cherry choco *pukes onto of u* caramel is annoyin lol gooey thing goes every where, well for me it does =P
aww leave poor lonely sephiroth alone, not his fault he cant afford to cut his hair ;D
lol snickers my fav choco *rapes* next 2 milky stars oh well we all got dif tastes (RawR) =P
lol sephiroth was just mad cuz cloud had a galfriend xD
OMG its only the best sweet in the world (type it in google images NOW) lol
lol im more of a haribo fan if i do say myself *hides packet behind back* ^.^
mmmmhhhhmmmm xD oh and dont u find it annoying when FF chars such as Leon are so weak in KH1 and 2 (except for sephiroth)
im gooooood ^.^ howz u? *hands over packet of milky stars* xD
hi =D just surfing through profiles leaving lil messages ^.^ btw FF8 soooo much better than FF7 hehe (Squall owns Cloud xD) hope 2 c u around
goodnight bro sweet dreams (im on the psp) xD
tyvm for the welcome *hand you a KitKat* yum? lolz hope 2 cya around =D
Cookie Jar by Gym Class Heroes and... I don't want to teach your boyfriend how to dance by Black Kids
lol thats pretty stupid cuz it doesnt say that on the description of this part of the forum xD (and soz i dont know much, just joined)
nice banners i like v3 wiv the border aswell lolz
Drakengaurd was pretty fun but became pretty repetitive 2 me