lol that would be lucky IF I WAS A GAl xD
u are gona be stabbed through both your ears then skanked by skunks
ehh experience shemerience lol yuffies 1 bada$$ ninja who will own any1, ima goto sleep know gd night talk 2 ya l8ter xxxx
btw Yuffie would pwn Tifa ( just sayin ) lol
*rips up proof* eh looks like you will neva know what i had now (examines nails lol wtf) =X
mmmmmm you know , the old lil pic here and there *wink* think i got a bit 2 much proof ya know hehe *grin*
just sending random messages around ^.^ hi im kinda like the new guy in this forum xD so im just trying 2 raise my rep ^.* SMEXY avi and sig
ello again we kinda finished our chat on a random topic yesterday..... bout sephiroths mums head , yep i got proof xD
u get my vote xD if... i get another compliment jking ^.*
Skittles all the way!!! *throws skittles at crimsons head*
wy dun u send me the pic and ill upload it for u? and give u the BB code to post in your sig
ehh theyre good =p
lol probably axel, i would get him to talk Xemnas to death
wy u dissin Kairi xD she hasnt dun anything wrong in the game, shes done nothing wrong =P
have you made sure the picture size is right? cuz the pic just might be small from the beggining
i think the organization have got hearts but theyre sort of locked away from them, maybe they have been sealed by something (not sure)
DEFINATELY KH1 sephiroth , All of KH2 was nothing, any1 could complete it xD
umm out of the 2 id probaly say the Jo Bro's
If the chain is real then the keyblade pretty much has 2 be real aswell
lol howd the test go xD i cant w8 for u 2 get ur results xD ill look at em lolz