*scratches head* thinking of a hard question is ... hard lol cuz i dunno the answer grrr , cant u just be happy wen i say sumin silly =D
lol btw PS3 is the best console out right now, its expensive for a reason, lol and if u got warranty xD u can smash it up as much as you want and say "it fell outa a building" lol and dun dun dun a new one in ur pocket
asking you questions makes you smile xD lol il just ask u really complicated questions then ull always be happy ;D
it would be cool but the way she is right now she wouldnt last long , she needs to roughen up but not 2 much
hey slip xD i was wonderin (d/w aint gona copy your sig) if you could give me a leon gif like the cloud or xemnas 1 ty bbro
hey star *wink* can i ask u sumin cuz no 1 else will answer , when can i change the lil msg under my name for eg Gummie Ship Junkie ty xoxo
have u finished ur amv yet?? dont be shy *wink* xD i wanna c it pweeeez
gona change my name wen i get 300 to LeonHeart
linking park somewhere i belong lol Both Linkin Park
tyvm (dam no 10) xD so u stole my idea *hmph* lol jkin *offers cupcake* wat music u usin?
soz double post lol 0.o
good luck, im making 1 bout Sora vs Roxas ( small favour ,could u r8 my banner in my sig plz out of 10 , not the banner on squall
good luck i ^.^ making 1 myself bout Roxas vs Sora (1 favour plz could u rate my banner in my sig out of 10 ,the first 1 not the 1 on squall) tyvm
*takes milk star* *gives back* ^.^ nty ehh its been the same old stuff postig at chatting 0.o lol but it neva gets old
check out my new sig its perfect no spelling or nutin
naa just doing homework and making new banner
like my new sig i remembered that game u had on GBA Golden Sun and made a banner
nice those wer awesome , loved the fireworks in the first one ;D
KH1 rules over all the kingdom hearts until birth by sleep is out xD KH2 was to easy and the button mashing ruined it all