*Erin achely didn't feal alone for a few seconds*
*it showed Erin walkeing around a dark cell* "why!? why am I traped in this evil place?!?! what did I do to deserve this?!?!?!? It's not fair!" Younger Erin yelled
'so what is the first thing you wanna do when we get back?" she asked him
"ok...you reminde me of a little pupy!" she said
*Anna helped all she could*
"thank you so much"
*the vishoons began. it showed a younger Erin being chained down to a lab table* "what are you doing to me sir? Is it going to hurt?" Erin asked a scientist *the scientinst shruged and put neadals with wires in them in Erin* *Erin screamed in pain*
*he smiled*
*the glow came back warning ZC that it was eather let go or see more*
*Erin looked so peacefull in his sleap*
*he noded trembuling*
*Erin blacked out*
"there are thease people that I have to pruve earth isn't evil to or..." Erin said almost to afraid to anser
you don't think Tristen is doing this do you? he wouldn't! he couldn't!
"I'm runing out of time to pruve that earth isn't eveil..." he said
"well...ummm...I guess I'm just worried"
wha... is wrong...with me...it's...so hard...to move
"uh...no..." Erin lied
then what am i?