"yeah..." he said trying to get up but was to weack
"well I know that but do you wanna do anything speshal or impurticular?"
huh? you can talk telepathicly?
"hey! I think Roxas is colse by" Sora said
"yup! you always have that lost pupy look an your face with your pupy dog eyes!" ooc: XD
"about what?" Erin asked "you've tolde me lots of stuff"
ooc: ummm...he said it telepathicly...he dosn't realise ZC can hear him
"then why are you crying?" he asked
*he noded* Zharo? he wouldn't dare come here...would he?
"is sompting wrong big brother? did I do sompting?" Erin asked weackly
*Erin looked around*
*the vishons stoped*
*Sora looked back at her* *Roxas smiled*
ooc: ok then
*he laughed*
*Erin smiled back*
ooc: but why???
*it showed younger Erinbeing lcoked in a smal room walking around in circals* "please let me out! I dont want to hurt anyone! please!" Erin screamed *evil men walked in and charged at Erin* *Erin was forced to fight or he would die*
ooc: oh you're leaveing? awww! I'll miss you!
ooc: then who are you going to play?