*Erin looked back at ZC*
"sure! the more the maryor!" she said happely
*Anna smiled*
"ummm...Parice...I think" she said a little cluless
"well that is very good!" she said with a smile
"oh boy! if you are a mxture of Matthew, and alexis then you are probulbly as mischeaveus as the two of them put together" Christopher teased ooc: XD his parents were noughty! lol
"oh! hi Link!!!" Anna called happely waveing
*Christopher looked at Erin closly* "you are the spiting imege of your fauther!" he said grining
ooc: ok then...
*she skiped next to him*
"no...just trying to think of what it is like there" she said
ooc: umm..can someone give me a recap??
"well that's what you get!" she said laughing
"the twilight empier..."
"yeah..." Chris said then left Erin's body
*Anna got loose*
*Anna thought about it*
"I dono, but...I can't stay here anymore...this is Erin's life..."
"you are all depresed and sad!"
"oh..." she said