"thank you" he said ooc: ok lookie! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im8RAbrNKSU&feature=related
*Anna humed*
"I just will..."
*Anna smiled*
*Erin finaly calmed down* ooc: hb
*Erin kept sobing, and as he cryed he thought about his parents, and his friend Zan...they had all died for him, but why?*
Ok I worked, and am working realy hard on this, so please read and reply. I hope you like it! ________________________________________________________________________________________ A young boy ran down a dark, and damp street. His breath was fast and short. He knew if he stopped he would be cough, and dragged back to the prison he had spent his entire childhood in. His dark green eyes were dilated. If he didn't get somewhere safe, and soon, he would die. The street was so silent that he could hear every step, and breath he took. His vision started to blur, and he soon lost his balance. He fell on the ground, and couldn't work up the energy to get back up. "Hey! Are you ok little guy?" A man's voice asked The boy tried looking up, but just couldn't. "don't worry little guy. I got you" The man said The boy felt two strong arms pick him up genitally. "You will have to fill me in later kid" The man said. "Oh! I almost forgot! I'm Christopher." The boy listened, but soon fell asleep. (later that night...) The boy woke up, and looked around. He was in a room that from the silence he was guessing that it was out in the country. It was dark, so he guessed that it was night. He suddenly realized that there was a man in the room. He guessed it was Christopher. Christopher was sleeping in a chair near the bed, the boy was laying in. The boy got out of the bed, and examined Christopher closely. It had been a very long time since he had seen another living person. The boy was examining Christopher's face when the he suddenly woke up, and fell back in shock. The boy suddenly backed up and dropped to the floor, trembling in fear. "Oh boy! Come on it's ok. Don't be scared!" Christopher said walking over to the boy, and putting his hand on the boy's shoulder gently. The boy looked up at him with a tear streaked face. "There there...it's ok" Christopher conferred whipping away the tears on his face. "Now...what's your name?" Then boy looked at the ground silently. "What's wrong? don't you have a name" Christopher asked The boy shoot his head no sadly. "Well then we will have to give you one...ummm...what about Matthew?" Christopher asked The boy nodded happily. "Well Matthew it is! Well you better get back to bed. We'll talk more in the morning." Christopher promised picking Matthew up, and laying him in bed. Matthew soon fell asleap.
*Erin cryed as he was huggled. He hadn't cryed in such a long time it almost suprised him*
"I will beat her"
*Anna foowed him*
"no...I don't know why but Im so sad..." Ein said looking down as tears streamed down his face
"yeah..." Erin lied
"yes Kairi?"
*Erin was for forcing back tears*
"be carefull" chris said *Erin walked with ZC hideing the sadness...he hid his fealing so often, but this time it was alot harder*
*Sora huged her*
*Anna looked happely*
*Anna grind*
right *Erin backed away from the man and was about to leave with ZC* "where are you going?" Christopher asked "I need to go..." Erin said "will you be back?" Chris asked "yeah..." Erin said
"don't be!"