*Erin folowed thinking about the time he had left*
ooc: XD bic: *Erin folowed ZC*
XD cool! go ZC!
I knew...I wasn't normal, but...I-I'm...
*Erin obayed*
*Erin lissend*
"I don't realy care...aslong as...there's not...alot of people"
please...I...don't...unserstand...why...is this...happening?
*he smiled a little back*
*Erin got hugeld* ZC..what's...happening...to...me?
"nothing...couldn't just lay on the floor forever" he said trying to hide his fear
*he looked up at ZC slightly*
*Erin stood up*
"oh nothing" she she said with a big grin
ooc: by th brige duh
*Erin noded still scared of everyone around him*
*Erin looked like a rag doll. he didn't move...just sat there*
*Anna noded*