try clearing your cache.
armored xemnas, not final. armored probably works
Its funny how i never got banned for that flame war that i started, btu then again, it probably contributed to my recent ban.
I would say "Im going to use the 2 keyblades."
I once threw a metal baseball bat at someone at full force. luckily it missed.
Or people just don't believe them anymore.
avvy: 9/10 sig 1: 9.5/10 sig 2: 7/10 Riku is epic.
Use them.........?
Be careful, or you'll have me after you.
I like my life, i could make a difference without ultimate power if i really wanted to.
I wouldn't really consider you one, if your withing the 4 year range. But then again, there is more of a difference depending on age. a 16 year old goign out with a 12 year old? doesnt really happen. 28 with 24? happens.
Lol, then go back to bed
Avvy: 8 Sig: 6
Really explore the space, Gene.
Guys, i got a fever.
I sorta remember this, but i havent seen that show in years. Btw, evil come on msn/aim
Roxas is 1 or 2.
Hippie Jesus:
New Era - Xendran