DMC4 was decent. Insanely easy at times though.
There we go. EDIT: Folklores demo sucked so i didnt bother buyingn it or renting it. I rented DMC4, and havent tried Ao2 yet.
I love my ps3. The ONLY game i play is rock band lol.
I liked the skin we hadjust before this one the best. IMO, we need a way to chan- *shot*
OMFGARCYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o
Lolwut ?
Off Topic: Thats evil's old sig. What, you expect me to post something on topic after? NOU!!!
That made no sense. Seriously, i have no idea what that says.
GTFO o .
Scratch what i said earlier. Riku II in kh1 and Riku IV in CoM
*Drives off cliff*
XDN? i really dont know. Xen?
Imma' Firin' Mah Laz0r! frigging caps filter >.>>>>>>>>>>>
*Grabs sniper*
Whatever the hell is playing in Elan, which is Smoke on the Water at the moment.
Only 50 posts to go for you.
So many falling cherries/apples............. Oh and Dracula was so hard on IWBTG.
Yes .
No complaints here.