wow, yah i remember reading something on the forums how u couldnt get on at certain times, i forgot to say something tho lol. But yah, suh weetness
tired, hungry,
lol. *deathglare* jk xD
oh and almost forgot...*hands u pizza bites*
yah, tomorrow is gunna be so tiring...long...etc. *writes "I wuz here on ur pro"* bleh lol
lol jk. :P *scribbles markers on ur perty profile* lol idk random...
lol nm either :P
I'd say Donald, he can hit a LOT higher with his magic/attack. I noticed while letting Donald and Goofy kill Heartless for me lol.
lol. OMG pizza bites....I is Maybe they were poisoned and you will die in 5 seconds from reading this? idk lol
My friends were just so....******ed today lol, and partly because I couldn't concentrate and woke up in a bad mood, but I got over it lololololol....
I had a messed up day lol. I'm tired, and you?
Idk, I heard BBS takes places after the fight with Xehanort in the secret ending in KH.... Idk though lol.
hey, whats up?
I would probably think the last boss would be Riku. Sora could very well possibly be an optional boss, such as the part where he meets him in front of Memories Skyscraper.
I think it's death. Since he carries a scythe and roses represent somebody dying....i guess? lol idk really
sup lol x]
Terra and KH2 Sephiroth were my biggest problems....
That may very well explain Terra's symbol on his belt, it looks like the Heartless symbol... So I'm going to guess that Terra fel to the darkness and Xehanort said that anyone who yields to the darkness is not suited to use the keyblade...Idk maybe :P
You should probably get a new memory card, my friend had thesame problem and since he bought a new memory card, he's had no trouble with it at all.
I use it all the time for def boosts, str boosts, magic boosts...etc. Plus I like to create everything, so yah, big time thing for meh :)