lol nm here
Sora wouldn't be able to defeat Org XIII by himself. No way. He's still a kid at heart, and wouldn't make the best decisions, some may cost him his life.
Axel sounded just like the voice actor, Roxassounded different, but still good. Now I know what they say up on the clock tower... Thanks :D
Weird... I might try it one of these days and see what it does exactly.
Well, I became a fan when I got the game. When KH1 came out, my friend brought it over and played it. I thought it was cool and life went on. A few years later, about 2 Christmases ago. I got a ps2 and the Kh series, 1 and 2. I didn't have a memory card so I didn't play it much. But when my uncle got me a memory card, I had no life what so ever until I beat it, and to this day, I have been a fan of KH. *bows*
Yah, like Sora said he was a wimp, but... Trying to beat him in 15 tries clearly says this guy isn't a bad fighter... I just think he doesn't like to fight and isn't very confident about his fighting style.
It didn't really appeal to me much. I'm not big into card-based games, but still a good game nonetheless.
300!!!!! alright staff close this post!!! lol
hi whats up?
Guys, I am pleased to inform you that KH-Vids now has a spam zone. Thank you.
I don't use drives, I depend on glide and reflect most of the time. You shouldn't have to worry about potions, unless you fall into those pools of darkness or get hit by the cage thing he puts around you. I suggest having the fenrir or the ultima for fighting him. The decisive pumpkin works well too.
The outfit for KH1, in my opinion, was not that good. He looked a lot better in his KH2 outfit. Fits him a lot better. At plus I like the little wolf thing on his shoulder or w/e :P
I don't really think these two are connected in any way. But I could be wrong. Even though the pix were very similar.
Rayman 2 The Great Escape for the Dreamcast, funny thing is I caught myself playing it recently :D.
Hmmmm..... I might name it The 3 Amigops! lol
Isn't Iraq that one place where out troops are? I coulda sworn I heard somrthing about it. Haha I had one of these tests once, didn't know where it was, been there done that.
Twilight, both are better than one :D
I'd like to see the Toy Story world, no, I'd love to see it!
I have nothing against them... My aunt has a homosexual friend he's one of the most awesome guys I met. Honestly people, I don't see what's so wrong about them, not saying I'm homosexual or anything. I don't see what's so wrong with them, if they choose to, let them. If it's a psychological thing, then it's not their fault.
Hmmm, very nice. Looks REALLY nice :D!