Trust me, I didn't like Atlantica much in either games. But there are other good worlds to back it up lol.
Chicago, no doubt about that! lol
OMG! I know! in the FM version, his christmas costume makes his arms look like twigs... haha!
Haha, a nice addition to the KH series :). Always wanted more than one playable character.
It would be completely pointless, they would have released the normal KH2 for nothing, people would have to spend extra money for something a tad bit better. Since we could import it, with the disadvantage of it being in Japanese... I see no point of it being released in America and Europe.
Ugh...zexion in my opinion. His emo mind powers killed me countless times. I had to boost my defence to 95 before I could beat him... Btw, I was only lv 70 when I attempted fighting him lol.
Some of the sequels and prequals suck. Not all of them though, like Toy Story 2, that was a really good sequel I thought. But now, sequels of prequels and sequels...It better be REALLY good...
Remember the chamber where you got Auron's statue, voodoo doll, whatever that was, It should be there, talk to Hades and you should be good to go.
Uhh, excuse me for my stupidity but... 1. What system was FF Dissidia made for, i forgot... 2. Can I find demo clips for it? 3. Exactly how many FF series are going to be starred?
*thinks about pulling my pants down...but doesn't* im keepin it PG here....lmao
Very nice, I'll rate 5/5 for both :D
hey hey look it's me!!
I liked the fact that it isn't button mighingy as KH2 was. Also, the expert mode is much harder than it is on KH2....So a bigger challenge so to speak.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaye!!!.......yeah right...
Well, i got FF4 for my b-day about 2 months ago, and what do you know, I fall in love with it. I really like the way they re-did the graphics from the older version way back when. Also hearing about FF Dissidia with Cecil in it.... Makes me want Dissidia, and to beat FF4 realy bad. What do you think about FF4?
They sure do. Why else would they love or hate you? Also, how else would they know when to eat or relieve themselves eh?
I liked fighting Riku/Ansem when Sora finds Kairi asleep in Hollow Bastion. seemed so, exciting for me I guess.
I tinkn it's possible. My friend's teacher said she had a dream when she was a kid about her mother leaving one rainy night and not coming back. The next morning day, her mom didn't come back and it was raining... The news came up and there was a car accident and 3 people died, her mom was one of them. No lie.
Inuyasha. Only cuz I never heard of the other one.
O.O!!! Freaking weird...