I got killed by sephiroth's really long sword, but I had an extra life thankfully.
I totally know what you mean, Sora is just sooooooooooo annoying. His personality is lot better in KH1 to be honest, and Kairi's too... Such... Blocky characters they are x[
I hated those searchlight ghosts or w/e... They wasted so much of my time! Dx
I was disappointed about Roxas and Axel as well, tha's why I'm gunna rush to a gamestop and get my hands on it as soon as I can. As for Maleficant... I was bummed that couldn't fight her in KH2, she was one of the most fun fights in KH1 to be honest. Her bad guy posse was very, hmmm, pathetic lol. Other than that, KH2 was a good game, and 358/2 days will be its great filler, at least we hope...
I dunno, I think they're chasing Xehanort in my opinion, I could be horribly wrong though. There was a castle, I thought that was a big blue heart in the sky which all know as to be Kingdom Hearts. I was told that the KH2FM secret movie was the event in BBS that takes place at the beginning of the game.
I think the same thing. But my version sort of went like... Terra: Strength Ven: Defense Aqua: Magic Short and simple lol.
I freaking loved Roxas dual-wielding... Pulled off the collest moves ever.
Yes, I did the same thing as you did, you just have to complete the worlds before it. They should open up after that.
I can't wait to see how this works out with multi-player! :D I need some new games for my DS anyways :P
OMG another visitor......message from ME! xD
You have to respect the evil ones to some degree... They are very smart in some, very few, cases. But, the good side seems to always significantly hurt the evil side, but who is right? Is it just to kill anybody? Does it really make sense to kill people to prove that killing is wrong? Even not by killing, but by doing something wrong with the intention to prove that it is wrong. The good guys would say. Wow... I'm confusing myself... Anyways, niether side can be justified by the fact of hurting, killing, stealing, etc. But, who has better intentions for the others not involved in the struggles of 'good and evil'?
Yeah, I thought this too, but maybe it's just for decoration. Maybe there's a huge meaning behind it as well? I'll think more on it. lol
Yah see my sig? I want to change the text on it... But my photo editor program won't let me delete them... I would greatly appreciate if someone could reply with a link to the actual, no text pic. Please and thank you! :D nvm...i found somrthing just now, once a mod sees this, please close it.
rock is the only thing that matches my hardcore-ness....lol jk. But rock is my fave :D.
Underoath is one of my fave bands. Their new songs are reallly good, but my favorite would have to be a Boy Brushed Red...Living in Black and White :D
I'm thinking of being a firefighter to pay for college maybe, then after that go onto surgeon-related stuff, weird plan eh?
OMG! The graphics look friggin amazing for a PsP... Nice and thanks for finding these! :D
Raiders ofthe Lost Ark is the only one I remember, where they open the thing and the guy's face melts. So yah, I like Indiana Jones :D
Well, I know what you mean because I have this myself, even ask the doctor, my mother, my dad, anyone, or even check the birth certificate. People think I'm mental sometimes, I'm anti-social at times, and most of the time I really don't know what to say to people if they ask me a question of any kind. It really hurts to have people make fun of you about this kind of thing. So from personal experience, I tell you that it doesn't matter what people might have, it's about who you are and don't accept put-downs from other people.
I thought it was a tad better than the events in the game, the manga was a little more humorous :)