Games are about making you feel like you've achieved something, which makes you feel good and enjoy the game. Defeating a difficult enemy is certainly like that, but some challenges are propped up and made to look fancy when it's smoke and mirrors. Really depends on what the player sees as a champion. The reason for the tutorials is to appeal to a wider, less experienced gamer audience, selling more. Myth. Flying Swallow is only good in big environments, useless against some bosses and makes you extremely vulnerable if the enemy dodges. Literally just tried this on my PSV to test since I've been playing my PS+ copy. Hahaha, no it was just an example off the top of my head. Battles in action games go way too dynamic because of the AI response that makes it hard for me to even accurately describe the possibilities. I was attempting to illustrate learning overtime how to overcome a problem, a lot like real life problems, though with less ninjas.
I play games to have fun and enjoy myself. It's not like the harder the game, the better the game is a correlation.
I can hope that trying to tell them how you're feeling and what your experiencing might get through to them, come to an understanding and work on. Failing that, might be worth consulting a doctor about your sleeping and how it's negatively affecting your life at home and if you can do anything about it. If not, it might at least appease your parents and the stress they're causing you for now. And last, a last resort, is to ignore them and resist the. Lock yourself in your room for a time, resist them trying to make you leave. For now, go back home and tell them how unwelcome you feel in your own home, that the constant nagging is causing you to feel that turning homeless is a better option. Sleep in your bed tonight, don't try to avoid it.
Should work, as long as the description doesn't say ' doesn't work with x mod' then it should. You'll find out when you load the game anyway.
True, I couldn't imagine playing Civ 5 or Total War without a HUD, but in a lot of games the HUD display just kind of blocks the view of the environment, especially in lovely looking ones. The HUD in Dynasty Warriors 8 is appalling, the mini map takes up about 1/5 of the screen, I swear. I was generally talking about Action or Adventure games, because of the OP vid. Oh god no, you can't repeat the same button sequences to defeat and enemy in a game like Ninja Gaidan. DuckTales HD and the Impossible Game both rely on the player pressing the right button at the right time, if not you have to restart and have to repeat the sequence over and over until you know the right sequence to win. It's like playing Bop It! or any sequence based game. It's hard not because it requires skills you use to win, but simply remembering what buttons to press when. In Ninja Gaidan, you can't just bash the buttons in a sequence and win, you'd get killed very quickly. Enemies won't constantly attack you in the same order over and over again, you have to adapt your play style to the enemy over the course of the battle. What I meant by memorising in these games is learning your enemy and adapting to fight them. You see the enemy's arm glowing, at first you have no clue what it will do, until it unleashes a blow that kills you in one. Alright, second attempt in the fight, the enemy's arm glows, you dodge and it misses you, till you realise it has a follow up attack that homes onto you. Ok attempt 3, arm glows, you dodge, now to block the follow up attack, nice the enemy staggers and you can attack, etc. You learn how to tackle each opponent differently, i'm probably not explaining this well, but it's basically centred around difficulty based on player's skill that can improve. You can't improve memorise jumping patterns in a game, but you can improve how you fight an enemy.
Booooooooo I implore a recount or something.
Unless the mod otherwise states in the description, I believe it'll work fine. As long as the modder has updated the mod since the release it...
You clearly haven't met the Australians. Forget 'good day', out there it's 'g'day'. Ain't wasting no time on that ****.
Which isn't saying much, believe me, ha. Ask me, and if I can help I will. if not, I can ask around.
I keep typing Dishonored as Dishonoured. The 'superior' British education system.
A) Weird.... B) it's spelt 'honour' you American heathens!
Oh true, i'm saying the statement of games dumbing down and being easier is all bull. The reasons those games were hard back in the day was because they were poorly designed. The recent Ducktales HD release shows this in spades, the game is hard, not because it offers you a challenge that can be overcome with skill but with a repetitive pattern, like those Impossible Games, you need to jump and dodge at the right time or be killed. Worst of all, you only have limited lives, if you get lose them all you have to restart the whole game again. It's aged badly, it's basically an arcade machine game. Properly designed games that are hard, like Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls, base themselves around using your skills as a gamer to tackle fights appropriately, like predicting enemy moves after learning their attack patterns and preparing for them, knowing when to dodge or when to attack to maximise your damage and defence output, stuff like that. And namely, you get rewarded for doing them.
In some ways yes. The HUD display in games is an old design feature and has been done away with in most games. Like the screening turning redder and redder with the more damage you take, indicating your health. Bullet type and amount shown on screen displays on the guns themselves. Look at Dead Space, the health was displayed clearly on the back of the MC, in segments, would show blue for majority health, yellow for moderate and red for critical. The guns have holographic images of the amount of ammo in the gun. The menu is displayed in game on a holographic interface, the guns too. Even the quick time events are implemented in game. Realism in games merits eliminating the HUD to immerse you more, so better implemented features into the actual games world is appreciated. Generally means better designed game.
Why does this game have a life bar AND a life counter? People say games are too easy these days, but it's just their better designed. Good the controls of games like this, terrible.
I find all personal game challenges like Level One the game, only use starting equipment, never use shields, etc, to all be silly if you're doing it by yourself. I can understand doing it back in the day when good video games only released once a month or doing it with friends to have a laugh with, but these days, there are enough games to buy cheap and sink your time into rather than re hash your own gammes collection because you have to. I remember doing that when I was younger with games, and my god what a waste of time. Of course, this is all negated if you love the series in question and love to play it regardless, and want to add a bit of spice to the game, then fair enough.
Always wanted to play Kenzan, shame it never got a port, I dare not play a fully Japnese subbed game with Japanese voice acting. Nope, thanks but nope. I'd not count the PS3, my gut feeling, no actual reason. Might be a Vita title, i'm doubting though. So my money is in on a PS4 Year One title Cerny mentioned was in production.
Lovely work form everyone, glad ai tuned in. See you next time, peeps.
All interesting possibilities, I think Qin Huang, Cao Cao, Richard Lionheart, Joan of Arc and Sitting Bull would both be interesting to do battle against indeed. You sound like you're picking complex mods for your first go, ha. Still hope you get it working.
Oh you're one of those FPS snobs? XD We'll see how Watch Dogs plays, then come back to me. I don't really notice the difference until it falls below about 20 FPS, anything much higher is just a bonus.
I like E.T. I like Saxima's rendition as much as the original. Where is that download button?