As much as I love the music of people on this poll as well as some not, and have some downloaded onto my PC, Ghetto's music is the only stuff i've moved to my MP3 and listen to regularly. Also, dem sick rhymes, blud!
Oh no we were always full of whiny teenagers worrying about their cred, so no worries about that! : p But yeah, if KH3 doesn't win this I seriously question.... everything.
Nomura XIII Hikari Joel Osment!
Considering the trivia tournament finals is down to Krowley, DualBladeRoxas and libregkd, I think it has to be one of them. Though I would like to think I could've made the list considering I'm the quiz master and have written over 170 questions for the damned quiz that I might sound like I know something about my dear series of Disney anime childhood stuff..... yeah
What? Because you don't call him What?ipedia for nothing.
Repliku, i hardly knew ye.
Would have picked libre if he was on the poll, cause he puts up with me the most, ha. But Krowley's a bud to everyone, so i'll give him the merit.
I am deeply offended that neither Kites or I have been nominated for this category considering we mod the damned Gaming section!
Also to add because I don't think it's been highlighted much, but this would create a much greater workload for us if harsher scrutiny is wanted and generally is already in place on a lighter amount. To be harsher we would have to filter each individual post using said collection of words before they would be allowed to be seen by public users. Not only would this be bad for us but it would be bad for the members. It's inefficient and too big brother. And it is being done on a lighter scale, with sectional moderators browsing and posting in threads. If the censorship is being bypassed in a way that is needed to take action against, we will.
When's the wedding?
Dearhspank, as far as I recall. Just posting to actually not dick about with it.
You need a reason to KHV?
Yeah you can only get away with bitching for so long Sony before you sound like dicks.... be humble about this, you haven't won anything yet. Out of the two Microsoft at least had more excitement about it, high powered games with focus on AAA games throughout. Sony was more board meeting and information driven, not to mention the ok indie showing. And seriously, you have a more powerful system than your competitor and you show off indie games? Show more stuff that pushes that GPU! Also, should've held some exclusive reveal back to show off at Gamescom, Microsoft had Fable a key first party game that will help shift consumer demand for the XboxO. I know I wish I could play Fable but the damned PS4 won't be able to! D: PSV price drop is nice. Borderlands 2, whilst nice to see on the handheld is a bit too late to be relevant to the same degree as it use to. Apart from that, more fuddy duddy spammy whammy talkie talkie about things we already know. Poor Gamescom getting the sweep up.
For all the 'intelligence' people showed like peacock's tails, they sure liked to complain about people with differing knowledge bases from them, throwing insults against people and somehow rationalising and then justifying themselves being arses towards other in some distorted bid to show off that they are somehow more intelligent than the rest of the people on the site. Patsy Stone, case in point, for all the facts he had he was blinded by his hate and his arguments were little better than those he claimed were ******ed in some nature. I think it's safe to say belittling is not an effective means of teaching anyone, it is indeed the opposite, it creates resistance. Countering a person's point is better than claiming they know nothing, credibility wise. Showing is better than telling, teaching wise. Alas, the internet does shout too much for that to happen often.
Nice Mandalorian armour, thought the Jango helmet would clash a bit with the rest of the furs and roughness of it, but looks roughed up enough to fit in. Looks like you're holding an upside down Bowcaster. Is that it or...?
IM debates and thread debates have plenty enough differences, especially group IMs, they're way more defensive. I've had some lovely discussions, and it's generally easy to counter points put forward by people who don't know what they're talking about, so you're discouraged from talking out of your arse if you don't know the point you're putting across.
Give and take a few people, of course. Did they all prove Godwin's Law at some point?
It's impossible to use it as the only attack, you need range weapons a handful of times to advance for sure. And I thought you were comparing it to Fable's 'Hit X to win' sort of ease of playing the game.