And why i'm losing, obviously.
To read a video.... hmmm, interesting.
I've literally looked it up, and my goodness how crude and distasteful. I find celebrities trying to look sexual just look stupid not impressive, and yes this is most every celebrity, even the ones people call sexy I find just look desperate for attention, not actually sexually confident or powered. I can't believe it got through, not because it was sexual but because it was purely vulgar, it had no sense of fun or uplifting the crowd, it was all just terrible quality wise for me. I would hope kids exposed to sexual stuff would at least be shown properly, not some random desperate trash that's suppose to look modernised and relevant to what the young perceive as sexy dancing. Thicke's songs irritate me and Cyrus is just another person following the current pop trend. Ultimately, this is just the trend of award shows trying to trump each other when it's losing the sight of being an AWARDS show.
Damn if I knew about this I would've applied for a ticket. Yoko Shimomura will be there! Oh well, the games coming still, excited anyway.
I already commented on the art style, that I like it, not much of a discussion there since I'm sure everyone would agree. If not, I recommend a discussion. Also think it's interesting but that it may not be. That's an initial opinion on a trailer, not a comment on the final product. I also think since we've compared this game to Ico, Wind Waker, Journey and I'll add Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons into the mix of what it's like included in the other artsy games around. It's not got enough so far to be seen as unique for me, since the title description of it suffices well enough. It looks like two past games merged together, and not something newly created. And we're seeing more of these types of games these days because of Indie developers having more accessibility to create and distribute their games. Like others have said, it's a teaser trailer, there isn't enough to analyse any more than we already have.
Ueda is still working as a freelance director on it, Sony confirms it's still in development. So that's that about Last Guardian, let's stay focused on Rime.
I'm stating concerns about stuff not yet revealed. I'm not going to simply say i'm sold on an announcement teaser trailer or get hyped over it, because I don't feel like that when I watch this. I'm not saying it's going to be terrible, or stating any other opinion as fact. I said i'm worried it won't meet my expectations for it. And Last Guardian is likely going to be a let down, since this much time in development hell usually results in a poor game. But it has little in common with this game anyway.
Yes, and it was great. The problem is, this game doesn't look to have a goal or tangible reward so far. In Journey, your silent goal is to reach the summit of the lit mountain. You gained rewards each time your scarf would grow, as you progress. You could meet random people online and communicate in a difficult yet charming and beautiful manner. Even Ico had you escort someone, a fragile and close relationship you care about between the characters.Comparatively, this looks completely solitary. These games with lovely art style and simplicity usually need some emotional depth to them for them to be entertaining, and that's my only concern about this game,t hat it may lack a lot of that.
Welcome, listeners, to the final KH-Vids Podcast Trivia Tournament 2013! Presiding as Quizmaster for this, our final of rounds in this Tournament, is the honourable, unbiased and unrivalled, Peace and War, asking the toughest questions yet towards today’s finalists. They are the finalists of the last three rounds, you know em and love em: The green, green elite Reporter of KHV, the villain whisperer and ever vigilant, Krowley! The boy living in a Twilight dream, whose a nightmare to his enemies, he never leaves home without two weapons at his side DualBladeRoxas! The indie guru of the Gaming section, and a triple A trivia hitter, libregkd! Spoiler: Trivia Tournament League Table // INFORMATION: Ok guys so after post podcast debate we realised that the question about which org member died first was in fact Vexen and not Larxene. My fault, I had the question in my list but I hadn’t given it an answer, which is why I sound uneasy during it. Still, it wouldn’t have affected the outcome, as you’ll know when you listen. Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we’ve been loving to make it. Leave comments about your loves and hates of the trivia tournament, and anything you want. I'll be back to making regular podcasts again, look forward to them in the coming month, I'll be doing something less KH focused, purely for my sanity's sake, ha. See you then, stay tuned and keep podcasting people! // [url]//[/url] Your browser does not support the audio element. DownloadiTunes Spoiler: Music Credits Intro: The 13th Struggle (Rock Remix) - sasukeshika Outro: Dearly Beloved Dubstep Remix - djJo Thanks for the lovely new banner and logo by Llave! Great appreciation to libregkd for designing and making the league table! Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Peace and War know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here. YouTube | Twitter | Tumblr | Facebook
We have Sky, thankfully i'm not paying for that. Netflix is all mine. And £6 a month doesn't hurt.
I didn't know Scotland was that behind when they can't even keep up with Netflix.
I thought he was implying they had become friends without him introducing them to each other, after they had both become his exes. If so, I'm doubting they even realised they dated the same guy. But yes, exes can band together, though in my observations of female friends, they tended to avoid other exes who dated the same guy. Men however bond much better, from what i've seen.
Using REAL LIFE currency and not made up 'Microsoft points'? The heathens! It's almost like they're copying other online services.
I thought it might be the time of the month when Netflix has to get paid.
I think if they've become friends, it means you have a 'type' of woman you date. Not science, but i'm sure they have more in common then dating you.
I feel the day is terribly wasted if I wake up past 11, let alone 12. Carpe diem, vulgaris populus!
I'm a bit worried this could be boring, as lovely at it looks. I don't see the ability to care about this main character or his goals apart from explore the place, and unless you get some tangible reward it'll be a giant sandbox. Still keeping my eye on it.
It will at least be interesting to see how the marketing plan for the Asian market will go for the PS4, considering how little the WIiU is finding success, and the Xbox One is almost going to be dead on arrival when it eventually does release there, I suspect. With all the PSV connectivity and functionality being pegged, and Japan being the biggest Vita market in the world currently, I believe, I'm suspecting there to be some Vita announcements that will be interesting.
I've never nominated ever, i've just seen where the dice roll and go from there. And now with the whole staff thing, I feel more dissuaded, not that I can't do it but that I don't want to pick favourites and be seen as influencing the Awards. All bull, bur i like to cover my arse from fire.
Well we'll have to do something about that, won't we?