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  1. Peace and War
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 1, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. Peace and War
    If I remember correctly from a few original sprite game designers, they avoided using humans in general since sprites that small were harder to design as standalone designs and didn't look like copy/pastes of each other and more cartoon designs fitted with the creative freedom given by video game design, and weren't restricted to just designing humans.
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Peace and War
    I actually really like the art of this, it reminds me a lot of the recent Rayman games in terms of colour and lighting in a basically 2D environment.
    I don't quite understand the aim to release it on PS3 and 360 if they reach that goal, those consoles are going to be last gen soon. Thought it would be smarter to aim for a Vita and 3DS route of benchmarks.
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 1, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. Peace and War
    Face to Face.

    This chest infection needs a simple song.
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 1, 2013 in forum: KHV Chorus
  5. Peace and War
    I'm expecting the official 2.5 announcement with JP release date, followed by a fairly short KH3 teaser trailer of some sort. Which is more than enough to make me care, honestly, ha.
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 1, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Peace and War
    Ha, didn't realise even a portion of the hidden talent we have here. Got to love the noms for introducing me to this.

    Voting for Ghetto, that French was so... nice. Like, rapping about something romantic and artistic, which pushes traditional rap boundaries, got love someone willing to push the boundaries of genre.

    Also, Jayn, I can hear you doing a musical score for something one day, your instrumental arrangement is atmospheric as anything, and you know your vocal talent by now, ha.

    Great artists all around, honestly.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 31, 2013 in forum: 2013
  7. Peace and War
    I may not be doing it this time, i've got a chest infection so yeah, we'll see.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 31, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  8. Peace and War

    more porn

    Filthy grease .
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Peace and War

    more porn

    Absolutely filthy .
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Peace and War


    I dunno, there are no guarantees intervention would help anyone, uprisings are not pleasant.
    Foreign involvement just means bigger engagements, more chance of civilian casualties in cross fire, bad intel, more chance for war crimes and deeper resentment, not to mention the rebel forces have no proper unity to support a post war government.

    The best way for the rebels to gain support would to be get a good structure that makes foreign governments feel that their intervention will be both successful and profitable. Right now, supporting Syrian rebels would likely mean failure at a high cost, with bad diplomatic relations and possible international retaliation. It's a tough spot to be in, knowing that if we throw our lot in to help, we probably won't win and will have a lot of dead people to show for that failure.

    If the rebels can become a more organised and cohesive force, i'd be more willing to say intervene. Until then, i'm undecided. Either way, terrible, bloody, painful. Horror, as usual.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 31, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  11. Peace and War
    I'm guessing this'll only be like '60 minutes of exclusive content' that Ubisoft do with Assassin's Creed and Watch Dogs.
    Still, nice.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 31, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  12. Peace and War
  13. Peace and War
    My mum has always nagged about all the problems of leaving a console out in he sun, it's a concern that can mean you have to buy a replacement console since repairing it is usually not worth the cost. Supplementing one problem of sturdiness (that has never been a problem) for the problem of screen breaking seems a design flaw, in my mind. So I do think it's purely a cut in cost, not a design feature, even if they spin it like that. It's been reported in a few places as the reason for the price cut, like at

    Grasping at straws would most likely be 'you only have two colour combos to choose from, compared to the 3DS' big range of colours' because that's just bitchy.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 31, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Peace and War
  15. Peace and War
    Not picking on you in particular, but the point people are making about 'it's her choice' that I want to address quick.

    When celebs get invited to perform at the VMAs, it means that everything they do has to be approved by VMA organisers. The VMA care about ratings, viewership and to be the talk of the town/internet, and this is accomplished by promoting scandalous events, raunchy performances and general 'party' atmosphere. They also ''exploit' the use of sexual female singers in particular, looking back at the last few years, we've had, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and now Miley Cyrus.
    I won't say that what they did wasn't ablibded, of course that's entirely possible, but the VMAs definitely approve of all the onstage setting, costumes and choreography way before the show starts. So yes, it was her choice to do this, but she was definitely encouraged to act in such a way.

    And also, this could change the world as stupid as it sounds. Celebrity culture will definitely be affected by stuff like the VMAs, which is why you see wannabes trying to act like the next big singer, because that's what we praise. Whether it's a good change or not, will depend on the individual.

    Last thing for people commenting on 'Is this a cry for help?' then probably. This is the rebellion stage for most teens, drugs, drink, sex, outlandish behaviour, etc. And the rebellious stage is always a cry for help, but Cyrus' particular cry is a mystery.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 30, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  16. Peace and War
    Does the flip screen ever fall off? I've never heard about that happening. The DS designs have been very resistant to any wear and tear or even being dropped/thrown about since their actual connection between the flip screens has good gripped plastic in the hinge design.
    Actually, this could have a worse design without the flip screen, since exposure to constant harsh lighting is more prevalent than the other DS consoles, because the screens can no longer flip into shade, effectively. And kids are less likely going to care when they over expose their screens to the sun, since they likely lack responsible care for the system as is.

    In a lot of ways, now that I look at it, this seems like one of those cheap, chinese knock off consoles i've seen before. But I guess this is why they're doing it like this, because it's cheap?
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 30, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  17. Peace and War
    The reason for the flat design is that the screen is one whole screen and not two separate ones. Basically, to cut costs, they place one big touchscreen on it, put a plastic screen cover on the top space and you have it.

    Explains the no flip design especiall.y
    It's true, kids are entertained by most anything and their taste for aesthetics is lacking compared to older counterparts. Its more for Nintendo's loss since critical reaction has shown as to why it won't be bought by some. And I think people worry about the practical design too, like how it holds in your hands, quality of the screen, material, button placement and so on.
    I'm presuming Krowley is commenting on the much more affordable price as why he's interested in it, but the design of it means it's not what he's looking for.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 29, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Peace and War
    Why thank you.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Peace and War
    You must follow all orders without question immediately at the time of asking or you shall be shot on site, on grounds of insubordination and rebellion against the state!
    You have been warned, non OPers.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Peace and War
    You know, I recently finished all the characters off for this, and realised I hoped them all the best like some kind of goodbye.

    This game has made me feel the weirdest.
    Post by: Peace and War, Aug 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone