Good to be winning something, eh?
I know them all, and they're all terrible. Especially that PaW *****.
Going for Mark because Tie can NOT beat him.
Who are you all and where did you come from? : p
~He's a lady, woh, woh, woh, he's a lady!~
Hmm ?
This is, again, a well use of comedy writing. Characters that are idiotic and comical will have the 'genius' trait in some sort of area, where they are uncharacteristically good at something when they typically are terrible in all areas. This is a subversion of the characteristics and subverting our norms of characters is somethjng comical. There will always be something funny about a childish idiot who can't write an e-mail, who also has a PhD in Aquatic Engineering, Nuclear physics and Child psychology. Because it subverts our initial preconceptions of a character, our 'stereotype' of said character, if you will. The genius-idiot comes from historical stereotypes of certain figures, whom with all their knowledge and intelligence sometimes can't do the simplest of thjngs like cook or who gets conned into buying something they don't need. Comedy is centered around cultural stereotypes and subverting them, which is why you'll find stereotyped characters in them. There are stereotypes in all sorts of writing genres, even 'serious' ones. Like crime dramas, you'll have the stereotypical detective who has some sort of addiction (smoking, alcohol, drugs, sex) because of some life altering event (partner was killed, wife left him, tortured). You'll have cops who stereotypically love donuts, who beat suspects, who play the whole 'good cop, bad cop' interrogation. Serious characters have tons of stereotypes too, in all sorts of fictional media. We base stereotypes from behavioural trends, it's not like stereotypes are 'evil' or wrong, they're just who some people are. What stereotypical do you see as these characters doing to be stereotyped as female? Tex being murderous doesn't seem too much of a feminine quality, more a male one in my eyes. I'm presuming you're talking about stereotypes in the gaming industry? Women have been entering the market slowly but surely, the thing is video games were created by men, enjoyed by them and marketed to them for years, as much as Barbie is marketed to girls. It's changing now to simply be marketing to the biggest market (like new consoles showing off CoD because it's recently the most popular game series, or FIFA/NFL because of a big sports gaming demographic) and not exclusively for men, and the inclusion of more female characters in general has helped this, the industry is not stagnant, for sure. So you have female gamers who want to work in the gaming industry, and i've not found the industry sexist in hiring, since usually people are hired for their talent, which is what any company should do. The reason for the mainly male demographic is because more men are studying to work in the gaming industry and not women, not because of sexist hiring or firing, i can presume. Not to say there aren't 'bro' teams, who want to keep the atmosphere the same, but with the laws in place around the world and the speciality of some jobs in gaming development, they can't afford to on average, not hire women because they don't want them there. If we talk about inequalit in certain industries, hairdressing is majority female with minkrity male, bt that's because more women aim to be hairdressers than men, it's a cultural thing primarily. And if you mean in games... I'd blame it to bad writing and characters. Video games still need to improve as they become even more mainstream media, expect it to alter.
And all the male characters are stereotypical idiot characters used in archetypal comedy, with Tucker being child like, Grif being the guy who gets physically hurt (primarily in the groin) and all of them in some capacity suggest, say or do stupid things. But I don't think it's misrepresentative of the male gender, I think it's just comedy archetypes being used for comedic effect, same with the women. Comedy specifically plays off of our cultural ideas and laughs at them, like comedies about nerds (The Big Bang Theory) or gay couple (Modern Family) and so many other archetypes, for humorous effect, not to misjudge or be misrepresentative. Comedy offends some people because it plays off of our pre conceived stereotypes, taboos and other social norms that we feel comfortable in, I wouldn't say Burnie writes any differently than other comedy writers, it just took him several years to hire female voice actors to play female characters he couldn't write before. I think comments about stereotypes in general are a little redundant, since in some capacity with will conform and challenge the stereotypes of our gender. A female stereotype is that women like babies and find them cute, which I know a lot of women that do, but I know some of those same women love to watch sports on TV and cheer along, a primarily stereotypical male thing to do. I know a lot of men into doing some type of manual labour at home like wood or metal work, yet a number of them like to do cooking and/or cleaning around the house. I myself love the art of fighting but i'm an emotional cry baby who will cry during movies or games or something. In the end we all fall into our gender stereotypes, because that's how we've been socialised, but it doesn't mean it's sexist, racist, or any other type of inequal stance, it's just a part of who we are.
Meant a service that is above the generation barrier entirely, the fact it means you can swap from this generation to three into the future instead of to the next in line. A more mobile service.
What would've blown my mind is if they introduced three starters that weren't all Grass, Fire and Water. I'd like something like Rock, Flying and Grass, idk, something that has a trio of effectiveness and people are having trouble with having a balanced team. But oh well, Megas look alright, still wonder what that'll actually do to stats and moves. The crossover service is pretty handy and took too long to get a cross generational Pokémon transfer. Good to see, at least.
Star, mi dear, how available are you on 15th for a bit of a Chilled, hm?
Currently having issues with giving out the winner's prize, will get around to them as soon as he has his preorder ready, and then i'll talk to someone about handing out the pins. The other prizes for semi finalists will be handed out afterwards. Sorry about this, busy real life and requires me talking to people in different time zones and with jobs.
Really? I've never had trouble, I don't use them alot but when my mates are over and they wanna show me a YouTube vid or watch a show, it's been simple. And this is with just a controller. I think that'll depend, but I have doubts it will be any real difference though stuff like shared watching was good, and maybe you'll get bigger stored streaming/recording capabilities than Sony? We'll know if they're bsing later.
I forget shag isn't a universal term, and is exclusive to these local isles of mine... Still, nice carpet, looks soft, shame about the magnolia colour of the walls. And yes, not yellow, magnolia, I'm trying to sound camp.
Because its going to allegedly be a better service, you know like how MMOs tout that a subscription fee is needed to keep improving the game, which is utter bull. But we won't know till release, and honestly I still like both consoles because they offer similar things, i'm i'm only getting a PS4 currently in time because it's more affordable and fitting to what I want. For me it's the games, PS3 collected a lot of dust over time in my room because it only released a few exclusives I cared about, and having friends who played the 360 probably helped make me a 360er more than anything.
Nice carpet. Shag. ?