So, not to sound hasty or impatient, but I am hoping we have enough songs and everything for this round?
Be grateful !
Muk and Grimer were based off of water pollution. They were slime with eyes. Garbage with eyes isn't too over the for Pokemon. Not to mention Magnemite was a metal ball with horseshoe magnets and with an eye on it. And even worse, Magneton is three Magnemites stuck together. They like sticking eyeballs on real world things. The ideas have been dying since the beginning!
I've never played this one before.
Chilled, this Sunday at 8pm? Yes or no?
How can I not be allowed to post this first? Damn you Amaury! XD Yeah, people are having issues getting on right now, we're trying to work out what's wrong now.
You've seen the 2DS, right? All I can say is this is basically a way better Ouya, which is a smart move for Sony. Think they shouldn't have necessarily marketed it as a Vita console since this may be a substitute for the handheld for some consumers, better yet they should've marketed as Playstation TV or something. Still it'll probs do very well, and I don't mind it
He's more like the abusive pimp who takes money from us, his working crowd, and buys all the yachts for himself whilst we live on the street
Call Godwin, we have an anarchy on our hands! Dissent, dissent, O the masses cry!
Hahaha, amusing. This perception is indeed a funny one.
We even have a forum where they can post their coding abilities! Xd
So off the top of our heads? Done. --------------------------- Philosophy is the collection of ideas and concepts that inform you how to best lead your life. Socrates is a famous Ancient Greek philosopher, and I believe called the 'Father of Western Philosophy?' The teaching method in which you learn by example? That the Romans were the enemies? I can only presume his teachings became unpopular with the local mobs, and you know how mod justice can be. --------------------------- Um, no clue to the last three, as you can see... now if only you had asked me about Confucius.
KHV shuts down... FOREVER! poof, in smoke it's gone.
No, actually. I am a middle man, someone with both Peace and War within, I am not wholly one or the other, and i'd never want to be.
Does futanari cover video game characters as well, or would it be hermaphroditism in this case? Thank Amethyst. I saw it too, not enough musical notes on a keyboard, so she had to improvise, I presume.
Hey, my testosterone levels are at a healthy level compared to some felines I know.
Best for being female? Hmmm, that cuts Kitty out.
A game that transcends to hobby is a godly thing.