i do it to everyine sir... right miss to9o?
something wrong sir?
it's because your so caring and kind miss... you don't want to hurt others...
no i'm not...you'r way smarter and more talented than me...
i'm not a smart person...i suck...
wow...your smart sir... blast...i got 148...
you shouldn't worry about randomness here sir...it occurs all the time...
um...well...from your view then miss?
happy to see a new member at least...have fun here....and don't hesitate on giving me orders...
um...hello there...are you new here?
you mean sephiroth style?... sorry... i'm quiet, cowardly but big....i suck...
...i don't have a nobody... it must mean that i have a weak heart... hello miss... did i come in a bad time?
that's why i'm here...
greetings fellow...user? glad to see a new member... please enjoy your membership here...
then before i leave as king i order you to be the highest rank....after miss r-c...sorry miss... no one can rise higher then you now... and i'm a pathetic servant again...
...ahhh!! um...hello miss... um..i have a little question...um... why do you hate me being king?
i know what you mean sir...people used to tell me that...
there's reason why i'm back.... hello everyone...
but she can make a new right? i'm just concerned for emma miss...
promise me emma....that you never will kill yourself...please...?