11... i don't know what to say...
where is miss r-c anyway?
seemingly miss... 9.
ask the queen...she will give you a test... and depending on your score...you will become a bunny with a certain rank...
7...my hope is gone because of my darkness...hehe...
... come to think of it...will you become a bunny as well?
5... hm... i see...
tis a good answer...well done...
*sob* this wasn't as planned...
please refrain from calling me that...i am only at this sites and everyone elses service...
that's great... keep in mind that if you want too collect posts... do not post in the spamzone...
3... i'm not used to being here....but i'll try..
happy birthday to the greatest bunny queen of all time!! i shall celebrate!! dark bunnies for everyone!
good... now...i have one more question... how dark a person are you?
yea... but humans don't tend to do that much...
...i'm already on it... although...i am a heartless...
that's good to know...hope you'll come to enjoy it here sir...
well of course sir... i am also involved in it...in a more secret way... nice to meet you sir...
i haven't been there much at all...i guess i could try... but your sighing before sir...is anything troubling you?
... ...what now?