what happened to sir sora?
wow....so much has changed...yet so little.... f-families?
...but...i.. miss to9o!?
oh right! here's my gift to miss r-c * unloads dark energy* now you can take controll over dark bunnies miss. you have your own dark army now.. sorry if you don't like it...i have to go!
heh... join my dark family then and you can... sorry.... i would like to have wings... but is that a superpower?
why am i here? um... let's see.... Username: heart of darkness... Real name:... Age: ... Gender: i am a male... Specialties: hm...um...uh...i don't have any... Interests/hobbies:...i love all animals, nature...and... the darkness... Personality: loner and coward.... History: i am a servant...i have no history... um...i guess that's it...
wow um....what made you ask me to be a friend? seems like people do that beofre iv'e even seen them... um...i'm fine thank you sir...
understood...thank you sir...
of course sir but um...what do you do in such a group?
22... repetive? well...with a lot of staff members...yes...i suppose..
i do this because it was my order...not because of personal reasons...heh.... but i'm not helping out...i'm useless... 20...
why am i here anyway'? i don't help out at all... 18?
12... are you trying to be like me miss... don't....the sadness will take over you...
sad... i want it to end... 10....
7... No you don't miss!!! You rule!!
5... i suck...
...oh...pity... 2.
4-3... i guess...
42...happiness gives morale... you are wise...
40... i meant with yourself... don't strain yourself...