...hm... what do you think is the best thing about halloween miss?
and scaring people is my hobby... *sob* i want halloween!!
thank you miss... ...to bad no one celebrates halloween over here....
i'm a chibi.... no...RAAAGEE!!!! uh-oh...have to go sir...
*comical anger mark over head*
...i didn't want to hurt anyone... ah well.... hack away all you want sir...
but...people who touch me get incinerated...i don't think it will work sir... i started to think of the ultimate showdown right now...
i'm sorry... my rage is blinding me to much so i can't see all things normaly...sorry sir...
saturday night... thank you sir...
i'm not... we have a connecion here... heh... now please message me in pm...or i'll message you... it doesn't matter...i have a question...if i may ask...
um...hi sir...and...sorry?
no worries! we can all see them...right?
you all give very good advice and i do belive that there are a lot of people who cares about you... i think all the people here are the proof...don't worry...we support you!
was that second qoute meant to happen?
greetings emma... how are you...? and furthermore.... how can i serve you?
it's up to you light... but please speak in pm istead.....if you want to, we can report to the other members later after you are together with her....
...bye miss....
128 i guess... to bad that the anvil wouldn't work on me...
125 don't touch me!!! you will only suffer by it!! how are you sir?
hmm...divi huh... sounds sort of cute...