cookies.... i love cookies... but....can i really have one?
... hm...the candy-bit sounds interesting... thank you miss....
that was pretty much how i lived my life before... so... what now? oh sorry... meant for miss emika but i appreciate your post as well mis obsessedwithsora...
i see... thank you both of you....
my goodness.... how come all the girls look pretty and smart as all the guys look cool and cunning...
this doesn't seem natural for you to say....lady emma... have somone made you upset?
i have only lived as a servant to others in real life... it only stopped a few years ago... but...i want to serve somone else now... am i mad?
although you wont really be gone it's never fun when somone will be gone for a while... we will all await thy return with faith miss!
the one you have on your sig now is excellent and shows a mig of fury and determination... well done miss!
i live to serve.... what are my orders?
what...? did somone upset you or was it because of the celebration miss?
alright...thank you miss.... how are you?
... *sob* their all gone...
i saw them... i love them...
... we need somone like you in this world... never have i seen art being expressed with such a well done skill...
.... blast it.... i blushed... um... thank you miss... Happy halloween to you too...miss...
it nearly seems like we are the only ones anyways... i have never gotten high and i'm proud of it... what about sniffing glue....why do kids do that? doesn't it kill your brain-cells?
i think i meant both of you... i must agree with the children part... but that's just because scaring people is a hobby of mine... ...i miss candy...
why do i find this slightly amusing...? don't people usually strangle themselves enough so they nearly faint? i'm not sure...
i can only gaze in awe and hope that you will make more pictures and show us more of your great talent....