New script. Don't know why I didn't think of it earlier. JavaScript: Alerts in Page Title 1.0.0 Shows the number of alerts at the beginning of the page title. Includes PM, forum, other notifications..
Tell me what you think (ignore videos).
Not bad. Not bad at all. Have you ever heard of Montreal?
I meant music, but... Whatever floats your boat.
Left With Alibies and Lying Eyes by Emery
I created a client-side script to expand snippets to full posts until a verdict can be reached about official implementation.
Please remember to bold your votes. Wrap with [B][/B] if you don't have access to buttons.
Calxiyn is not on either votal for Cat~. She voted Cat~ and then unvoted her before I got to change votals.
Lazy Votal Cat~ - 3 (Mish, KeyToTruth12, Risky Biznu) KeyToTruth12 - 4 (Trigger, Cat~, Midnight Star, al215) With 10 left alive, it takes 6 to lynch and 4 to soft-lynch. Day ends Thursday, November 27th, 12:00 ᴘ.ᴍ. (EST).
New script. JavaScript: Expanded Search Results 1.0.0 Shows expanded posts in search results instead of snippets.[DOUBLEPOST=1417058672][/DOUBLEPOST]Updates!: New features. Expanded Search Results 1.1.0 Expansion is optional. To expand individual results, click the Expand button to the top right of the result. To expand all results on the page, click the Expand All button to the right of the pagination menu at the top of the page.
Happy birthday.
Sublime. The dancing. My sides.[DOUBLEPOST=1417023932][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh my god that was amazing.
The Battle Must Be Won from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Original Soundtrack
Command line Russian roulette: [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo *Click*
The first one was about your extra vote on The Fuk?.
Enough Snow for Snowballs Cat~ - 4 (Mish, KeyToTruth12, Risky Biznu, al215) With 10 left alive, it takes 6 to lynch and 4 to soft-lynch. Day ends Tuesday, November 25th, 7:00 ᴘ.ᴍ. (EST).
Of course. Torturing yourself only leads to more mistakes, anyway.
Pizza exists.