"I'm avoiding my parents. They're always fighting over where I'm going to stay, so I told them I'm just staying here." Cassandra said dryly.
Cassandra whacked Hintaro on the shoulder. "I can see you." she told him dryly. To Lissa, she said, "Cool. I guess Hogwarts has lots of cool rooms. Why'd you guys stay here for the holidays?"
For some reason, everytime Sora goes, "Huuuuh?", it makes me want to stab something. Probably because he sounds like a whiny brat when he says it.
"Falling off brooms sucks. Believe me, I know." Cassandra told Lissa. She winked. "Don't worry; I won't tell anyone about the broom."
I have a strong dislike for DiZ. He drove me freaking insane with his using everyone (Riku, Sora, Roxas, Namine, exc.) to his own end. And how he acted like everything he did was so freaking saintly. =/
Cassandra nodded. "I don't feel like being back home. Parents, you know?" She noticed Lissa. "I don't think you're bad luck."
Cassandra spotted Jude and waved. She hadn't talked to him in a while. She had decided to stay for the holidays instead of going home. OOC: Not really...we need someone not in the given house to host it. :P
OOC: I dunno...Mayya's a little prodegy and you don't complain about it. :P Cassandra got up and decided to find someone to talk to.
OOC: ...even OOC, you're still odd. :P Cassandra yawned and got up. Looking out her window, she smiled faintly.
OOC: ...fine with me. Tired, Cassandra headed back to the common room and slumped onto her bed, falling asleep instantly.
Gwyn finished the song, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking over at Kam. "Did you like it?"
Cassandra sighed to herself. "That idiot...." she muttered softly, sitting down under a tree, trying to get her mind off Gryffindor, arrogant prats, and Quidditch.
Gwyn smiled faintly. "Okay, but I haven't played for a while, so I might sound bad." She walked over the piano and took a deep breath, before beginning. She let the music flow through her, the melody ringing loudly in her head.
Cassandra glared at Cade as he walked away before turning back to the others.
Cassandra scoffed. "Why would I be jealous of the Gryffindor spirit? From what I can see, you're setting a terrible example for the house in my eyes."
"Cade's being his usual self." Cassandra told Lissa dryly. She laughed lightly at what Jude said. "Yeah, he seems to hate anyone who's not a Slytherin."
Cassandra smiled at Jude's comment. "What does Snape have against you?" she asked him. She looked over at Dmitry. "I hope your head feels better soon."
Cassandra quickly followed Mirandra and got there in time to hear Cade's comment. "At you maybe." she told him coldly. "Is he ok?" she asked, looking over at where Dmitry was.
OOC: I love that song too. ^^ Gwyn nodded. "I think so."
Cassandra watched slightly smug. She hoped they weren't too badly injured, but she thought secretly that Cade sort of deserved it.