Cassandra grinned. "Okay. I want you to..." She let the words hang for a moment to gain suspense. "I want you to lay off the other Ravenclaws, and...I want you to say that Ravenclaw is better than Gryffindor. You don't have to say it to other Gryffindors, just to me."
"Why should I have him give you a dollar?" Cassandra asked, blinking. She turned to Cade. "Anything, huh?"
"Hmm..." Cassandra thought for a moment as she sketched.. "Nah, can't think of anything a Gryffindor could do to help me."
"Depends on what you're willing to do to get a look at it. After all, it is a quality piece of art." Cassandra smiled as she quickly added another part to the drawing.
"...maybe. It depends."
Cassandra smiled faintly. "Something." she told him teasingly, hiding the sketch from view. "It's not done yet, so you can't see it."
"What do you mean, me? Am I that annoying?" Cassandra muttered, drawing her concentration back to her sketch.
Cassandra sat down by the lake, watching the sky when a loud whooping disturbed her peace. She recognized the voice, but decided to ignore it. Figures he's here too... She quickly dug through her stuff, and found the sketchbook her father had given her. She hadn't used it yet, but she might as well use it eventually. Grabbing a spare pencil from her bag, she began to draw.
Cassandra didn't take the apology very seriously, but shrugged. It didn't matter what one Gryffindor thought. She said bye to Hintaro before getting up and heading outside, hoping for some snow soon.
"Then why'd you fall asleep on the wall of all places?" Gwyxn teased.
Even though Cassandra could hear what they were saying about her, she pretended she didn't hear them at all.
One of the Ravenclaws askd her, "Aren't you going to do something about him?" Cassandra shook her head. "Nah, I'll let him go down in flames himself."
Cassandra rolled her eyes. "Forget it. You're not worth it." Blantantly ignoring him, she turned back around and began a conversation with a group of third years, making sure to avoid eye contact with him.
"Hmph. You do know I was just laughing at you, right?" Cassandra replied coldly.
Cassandra stared directly at him and just gave a faint shrug, to show that she wasn't annoyed. Letting her voice carry slightly, she said, "Gryffindors can be so arrogant, can't they?"
OOC: Bragger. :P Cassandra felt someone's eyes on her and looked up. Noticing Cade glaring at her, she rolled her eyes and glared back. She'd decided that he wasn't worth losing points over for fighting, but that didn't mean she liked him any more.
OOC: Now, Cade doesn't need a Firebolt, does he, Gatekeeper? :P Cassandra walked into the Great Hall and looked around for Jude and Jordan. Where are they? Shrugging, she sat at the Ravenclaw table, directly avoiding looking over at the Gryffindors.
OOC: ...I wanna see Linkin Park. T.T Gwyxn noticed Xangel get up and told her, "Xin's doing better; she's wiped out though." She smiled cheerfully, her mood heightened by Xin's recovery. "How'd the extra sleep go?" OOC: I feel your pain. And swordser2, please read the story before posting. -.-
Namine smiled. "I got Olette to cover for me. Once she found out I needed to meet with you, she got into her planning mode and set up everything, including a meeting place, for me. Of course, she's probably going to nag me to death about what we talked about when I get back to my dorm later though..." Namine took one of the licorice wands from Demyx and took a bite cautiously. It didn't taste that bad, especially since she didn't like licorice.
Cassandra nodded. "Me too. I'm not much of a morning person."