Namine nodded. "I did manage to bring some chips." She pulled a large bag of potato chips out of the bag slung on her shoulder and set them down. "So...we needed to talk, and now we can talk."
"I would have been here a lot earlier otherwise." Namine smiled faintly.
Namine sat down. "A teacher almost saw me. I had to duck behind a door and hide for a few minutes." she explained.
Namine snuck through the hallway, ducking behind a door when she saw a teacher walk past. After he was gone, she snuck through the door, into the trapdoor, and found herself downstairs with Demyx. Well, at least I didn't get lost.
Cassandra laughed quietly as she watched Mirandra skate. "I can't skate to save my life."
"My older cousin. I've been watching her draw since I was really little, and I picked up her skill, I guess."
Cassandra smiled at the sight of Mirandra. "Not much. I'm just drawing. You can look if ya want."
OOC: Winter break. ^^
Cassandra yawned as she leaned back against the tree. She hadn't been able to tell what him and MAyya had been arguing over, but she didn't want to get in the middle of it.
Can I be Roxas?
Same with my friends, but they don't have posters on the ceiling. One of them entered all these 'Win a Date with the Jonas Brothers' contests though. :P
I have two friends who are absolutely in love with them. As for me...well, I like a couple of their songs, especially their Poor Unfortunate Souls remix. ^^
Cassandra watched the two talking and smirked at the look on Cade's face before pulling out her sketchbook and beginning a new sketch.
"You're an interesting person." Cassandra replied back as she watched him mount the broom.
"Thanks." Cassandra quickly grabbed the sketchbook back and stuffed it in her bag. "My dad gave it to me, before I came here."
"....maybe." Cassandra added a final stroke. "Okay, it's done. Ruin it, you die." she told Cade as she handed him the sketch she'd done of the outside of the castle.
OOC: I hate to sound like a nag, but you'll likely need to lower her abilities. All the elements/twilight and alchemy? Gwyxn smiled brightly. "You might wanna take a nap or something if you're so wiped." she told Reixa.
Cassandra just shook her head in disbelief. "Hintaro, Hintaro..." She smiled faintly. "Almost done."
Namine laughed lightly. "No, despite what everyone thinks, I do own things that aren't white. I'll meet you there in about five minutes...I have to run back to my dorm and change." She smiled and headed swiftly out the door. When she got to her dorm, she changed into a pair of black jeans and traded her trademark white dress for a grey lacy tank top, and as a last thought, pulled a thin jacket on over it; the basement area was supposed to be cold, according to Olette. She then headed back out the door to look for Demyx.
Cassandra grinned. "You said anything." The truth was, she tended to drive really hard bargains for things when people said 'anything'.