"Want me to go ahead and see who it is?" Aly asked Ayya quietly as she watched the other person ahead curiously.
"No problem. Figured you might as well get some too. We already had some chocolate while you were out. Even Dmitry got up before you surprisingly." Cassandra grinned, then told Mayya, "Yup. As far as I know, we are."
Cassandra smiled and lightly said, "Cade still has to work on the whole getting over being annoyed about Ravenclaws." She grabbed a small chocolate bar from her bag and threw it to Cade. "Here."
"Maybe one of the rooms has a signal." Aly suggested as she grabbed her phone, stuffed it back in her pocket, and pulled her iPod out of her other pocket.
"Took you long enough to get up, Gryffindor Prince." Cassandra told Cade as she stretched out her legs and continued sketching.
OOC: ...I can't ignore you if you're offline. :P Cassandra smiled. "Sure. And hey, even if we're insane, at least we're insane Ravenclaws, right?"
Cassandra nodded. "Well, at least we know we're not insane." she joked.
"Whatever they were, they scared the heck out of me. Anyone else notice how cold it got when they appeared?"
Cassandra shrugged. "Whatever they were, they seemed pretty insane."
"Right." Aly said distractedly as she fumbled around in her pockets to see if she still had her stuff.
"Well, anything's better than just sitting here, I guess..." Aly quietly opened the door, then looked over to Ayya. "You coming? Besides, if they kidnapped us for some reason, they're not just going to kill us when they find us sneaking around. Maybe yell at us...but we're probably safe from death for now."
"Just about there." Cassandra quickly walked inside the castle, then waited for the others to catch up to her.
Aly thought for a moment. "Where would we sneak out through? There's probably someone waiting outside that door right there." She pointed to the door Ayya had opened earlier. OOC: O.O.C = Out of character
OOC: ...I was just wondering that. :P "Probably nothing good." Aly replied, looking at the door the men had just walked through.
"Well, whatever they are, I hope we don't even run into them around." Cassandra said tiredly as she looked over at the others.
Cassandra nodded. "Anyone have any clue what those things that attacked us were?" she asked, shuddering internally as she thought of the hooded hope-sucking monsters.
"I might as well come with you. I don't think you'll wanna lug around two guys if Dmitry passes out again." she told Miranda.
Aly's glare faded as they left, and she gave a sigh of relief. "Well...that went better than I expected." she said lightly, althought she was still a bit freaked out.
OOC: Wait, are we still outside? "Well...let's see. Those insane things came after us, you drove a few of them away and passed out, and we got attacked by their buddies."
OOC: Girl power FTW! =P Cassandra noticed that the others were getting up, save for Cade. "How're ya doing?" she asked Dmitry, still slightly worn out.