With an odd look on her face, Gwyxn made sure no one was looking before portalling back to headquaters. "Rei, I didn't...Rei?" Noticing her friend lying on the floor, nearly unconcious, she sat down next to her. "Rei, just hold on, okay?" she muttered softly as she stuck a washcloth on her friend's head. "Hold on...we can't lose you."
Seeing that the guy looked dejected, she told him, "It's not you. I just have somewhere I'm supposed to be right now." Gwyxn twirled the black rose around in her hand for a moment, before sticking it behind her ear. "I'll talk to you later?" she asked, smiling faintly, before wincing. Something was wrong. Reixa, what did you do to yourself?
Gwyxn hadn't been with the others, so seeing Max standing there with a rose was a puzzling site. "Um..." She blinked, before realizing she should probably head back. "I'm sorry, but I've got to get going. See you later...?" Who is this guy anyway?
After a couple minutes of searching, Gwyxn gave a sigh of annoyance. Where had Xangel gone? Quickly making her way through a crowd, she wanted into a random restaurant and took a seat at an empty booth where she pulled down her hood and hid behind her hair. Okay, I'm just going to get something to eat, and then I'm going to head back. I hope Reixa's doing okay...
Gwyxn blinked, slightly horrified at the thought of leaving Reixa alone to try something that could severely injure her, but nodded. "Alrighty, Rei. Be careful though. If something happened to you, I'd feel really guilty." The blonde gave a wave and quickly headed out the door to try and catch up with Xangel. If I come back and Reixa's permanantly screwed up, Xangel is one dead girl.
Gwyxn thought about to say for a second. "You're sure that she was serious? Maybe she just needs to blow off some steam or something." Xangel tended to get ticked off sometimes and would go blow off some steam, but she'd never heard anything about Xangel wanting to quit. She suddenly realized something else. "...did you just say that you had a vision earlier?" OOC: LOL...the cable thing was just something random I thought of.
OOC: I love looking at fanart, but I can't draw to save my life. ^^; As she walked down the hallway, Gwyxn was nearly run over by Reixa. "Whoa, what's the hurry?" she asked, slightly surprised. One quick look at her friend's face told her that this wasn't something as simple as the cable had run out. "Rei?"
Gwyxn laughed quietly and gave her trademark smile. "Of course I expected you to be tricking freshman. I know how you think, Rei."
OOC: Yay, I get an invite to a RP! Unfortunately, I'm not really going to be on this afternoon, but I'll be here a lot tonight. ^^ Gwyxn groaned as she fiddled with her locker. Deciding to try a trick she'd used last year to figure out her freshman locker, she did the combination, kicked the locker, and shoved the lock upward (but not so high up that it would lock again), before yanking it open. Looking up, she noticed one of her friends hanging around the lockers. "Oh, hey Reixa! Misleading another freshman?" she teased.
OOC: ...wow. I haven't posted in ages. I'm SORRY! I'm been extremely busy lately, so I've been rarely posting anywhere. *is tired from reading all the posts I missed* ^^; Gwyxn jolted awake and quickly looked around. She could have sworn Xadyn had just told her something. Brushing hair from her bangs, she tried to remember what Xadyn had mentally told her that had woken her up. Gwyxn realized that with her luck, she had probably missed something major while she was resting. I hope I didn't miss anything too major... She quickly headed out of her room in search of the others.
OOC: ...did you just call me a bloody bloody? Now someone post something RP related before this gets locked!
OOC: *coughGatekeeperisoffhismedscough* :P
"Why does everyone always pass out on me?" Cassandra muttered, boredly drawing as she waited for Miranda to get back up.
Cassandra thought for a moment. "Azkaban? But if they're supposed to guard Azkaban, why did they come after us?"
Cassandra shrugged. "No clue. They went after you first though, didn't they? That's pretty weird."
Shweet! Now I finally get to see this in better quality, so I can tell what's going on! ^^ I can't wait until Season 3 comes out...
"That's good that you're feeling better." Cassandra smiled cheerfully and stuck her tongue out at Cade, then told him, "At least he didn't drop you, right?"
"He does look heavy..." She turned to Riku. "How are you, by the way? Carrying Cade probably didn't help you recover that much..."
OOC: *thinks* Um...we got attacked by dementors...and...shoot...I can't remember what else happened. ^^; Feel free to come visit your good friend in Ravenclaw (who is bored out of her mind because no one else is responding).
Aly followed, music from her iPod quietly blaring in her ear. Who was this dude anyway? She hoped they weren't walking into a trap.