Flyleaf is a pretty good band imo. They kind of remind me of Paramore in a way. <_> But their songs All Around Me and Fully Alive are just epic. :P
I went to go see this movie a couple days ago and it was an okay movie. I really liked all of the fighting scenes and especially the car chase in the beginning of the movie. It's sort of a fast-moving movie imo, which kinda threw me off. But yeah, this movie isn't for little kids. I mean the beginning of the movie was just...yeah. >_>
Lol. Congrats. o:
...... lol >_>
Yayayayayayay. :3
Tifa because she kicks ass.
Kefka He was scary looking imo. lol
It was probably Legend of Dragoon or Pokemon Red. I can't remember.
Time After Time - Quietdrive
Hello and welcome. Hope you have loads of fun here and remember to follow the rules. Seeya around!
All the Same - Sick Puppies
Butterflies & Hurricanes - Muse
Spamzone ftw. o:
I really like the songs on the Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack. Hellfire ( even though it's about a old man's lust for a young gypsy girl) and God Help the Outcasts are my two favorite songs from the soundtrack.
Lucy. She's just pure epicness.
Filth In the Beauty - GazettE
You're Ever So Inviting - underOATH
Writing On The Walls - underOATH