So my friend is looking to get some more shoujo in her system and asked me if I knew any. I became brain-dead so I thought maybe you guys could help me. o: She's looking for something with more intense drama and teen-like. Oh, also good art as well. So make lists for me if possible! =D Thanks for those who help.
I wonder if anyone would mourn me :3c DAMN YOU! Btw, do I appear invisible? I was too late T^T I'm so sorry dear.
Teddy has killed me after a hug. o:
*turns ghost, haunts you* A witness to my murder! 8D Yaaaaaay~!
*guts and blood fly everywhere, ish now dead*
I'll make them. ; ; Dun worry. I'll make yours after my current muchasshoe one
I'M SORRY! DX I'm low on ideas and busy! D: But I'll get to making them again on friday or thursday after class. ; ; I'm really so sorry for the wait. They take a while to do and I just don't have the time right now.
YAY! *hugglewuggle* <333
Hey Teddy! 8D Can I huggle you?
I'VE BEEN HERE! YOU'VE BEEN GONE! XDDDD I wish I could give you some ; ; But alas I cannot. I will take a pic of it though before my friends attack it.
My goodness, the baby at 58s is to darn cute ; ; kawaii~
OMFG LOXARE!!! HAI!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! =D It's gonna be a ice cream cake. Snickers ice cream. <3 My friend bought it for my birthday since she thought she couldn't make it to my party >w<
Yeah cuz that's not getting old in the slightest...
Ohey gaiz. I am gonna have cake today :3