Of course no- *shot* Haha jk. I meant at school.
Grah I dun wanna be here today @_@
Kinky ~
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo D8
If you're happy and you know it, _______________
I know they're free. That's why I'm asking for them. And the thing is, I was away for a year so I'm not sure which one I should get. So I'm fine with either.
Um, not too sure how this goes but I would like to request either 2010 or 2011 pin as well as the 3 year Legendary one. ><
What is love? Baby, don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. NO MORE!
GRAND FEAST! But then it wouldn't taste as greaaaaaat~ BAIIIIII GATO!
YOU BETTER!!!11 Oh yummy~ haha xD He's not all too scrwany~ I'll be sure to feed him more so it'll be a real feast >:3
Haha nah it's fine~ I know you're a busy woman :3 BUT YOU BETTER START DOING YOUR JOB SOON! WE NEED THEM FISH FILETS!
NO! YOU BEEN GONE FROM THE FAMILY TOO LONG! GET BACK TO YOUR WORK! I have something to show you though~
Oh ho ho~ Well then, just be sure not to be too rough with him, dear ;D We need to be sure to keep him wanting more~ <3
> w > He knows he loves it, really. He can't deny that~
haha it's okies Gato. I still lu <3 Il everyone but Adam Bitch gets the most love ; u ;
This is why you're the one il the most ; u ; ilu son <333
Dat Ashe
So apparently I couldn't stay off but at least things are better nao~! 8D Sorta. Anywho, OHAYO EVERYONE stfuiduncarebouttimezone <3333
What kind of music you like? What's you top 3 favorite desserts? :3 How long is your... arm? @ u @ WHY DO YOU MAKE ME HAVE FEELS?! xD Sing me a song? :3c Do you have any hobbies? Where doust thou like to be most? If you're happy and you know it, _________________?
Hey again. I'll ask you another series of questions I guess o: Still like Bleach? o: WHY IS KUBO SUCH A DAMN TROLL? Will you massage my owies? ; ; No matter where they are? Older game system or newer? Why? I can has you kawaii moles? :3c Would you keep me forever? 8D If so, where? Tall or short? What do you find attractive? Favorite food(s)?