I would like to take this moment to say hello~! 8D
This one can either be for Duet Roulette or KN (Mainly meant for DR) When You Believe - Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey Spoiler: Orignal Spoiler: Instrumental This one is for KHVC We Are the World - USA for Africa Spoiler: Original Spoiler: Instrumental It's a bit long I know @_@ I just wanted to suggest and hope it can be done.
Muchasshoe wanted me to say, because he was too much of a lazy ol' fart to say so himself, that he meant to VOTE for Feenie xD
Hahaha touche. I wasn't paying attention @_@
Because I caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan But I was just bored xD I can't actually take the time to right like that.
Haha what? xD
Go, Feenie, Go! I want to torture him with random question! >8D
We all miss you as well Keppy. ; ; Hope you take care and we'll be awaiting your miraculous return! <333
Keppy again!! OMFG
Well... hmm... A new headset or mic Munny (for books next mester) Clothes (mainly socks, funny shirts, and jeans) Blankets Baking tools and materials What? plu- *shot* For everyone to have a lovely Christmas <3
Sent. ; ; Sorry again. Hope it's okies.
I know it's a bit silly to ask but... does anyone know of any clear candy?
Yay free time!! 8D Sorry for the late reply >< I feel asleep lol 5am Oh I'm been well I suppose not much to report really other than school and...
Hai~ How are you, my dear? <33
Cherry! 8D <3
Sorry. I'm just having so much issues with pronunciation. @_@ I'll wake up early and finish it for sure tomorrow Jayn! I will not fail you T^T
That's a very lovely tree... And you're not bad yourself xD
[This took me a while] Who doesn't love Ashwin! xD So in the sense that he likes to cuddle so much, why not plushify him? :3c Spoiler Who wants one? :3
Keppy <3 *late due to timezone*
Absolutely Cannot Sing: Cannot sing fast in foreign languages, cannot sing really high notes Anything Else: Spoiler I love you Jayn <3 Willing to sing any Christmas song because it's my favorite holiday. Preferably happy ones though. :3