When did I turn into a man? o: AWESOME! COME AT ME, LADEHS~ <33333 but I am fine. :3 Just trying to finish my homework that I put off this whole mester. xD You?
Grah hnnnnng I could just gobble you up, you cutie pie <3333 xD I accept that love and give it in return :'D
I know just how you feel~ I'm always ignored :3 But oh well~ Hello Teddy dear <3
I think I get Ouch! although my attempt at screamo wasn't all that great >< But it still hurt when I was done.
I dun know Yoko well but I love her cosplay! 8DDD Spoiler And here's a sexy one xD Spoiler I wish I could do cosplay like this ; n ;
D'aw <333 this is too gaaaaaaaaah You two are so adorable :'D Wonderful work, Fork & Mish1
Okies ; ; Well thankies. Maka <333333 I love this song so muchles and you sing it so wonderfully <33333 Hnnnnnnnng *sways*
It was meant to be screamo but that would have sounded worse ; ; Thanks gaiz. <3 You go Janson!!! Woooooooooooooo high note!
Kill me nao.... My japanese sucks... and it's too low... fuuuuuuuuuuuuu- xD
Cookiie cookiie kawaii kawaii~ *does cutesy little dance*
Good lord Jayn, this freaking ROCKS!!! and cute at the same time <333 Love ya singin' 5va!
Oh so young <3 YOU YOUNG PEOPLE MAKE ME FEEL OLD IAULDNAUJDNAL Haha no worries 8D It's not that bad. What you planning on studying?
*ish doing homework* People have such pretty voices ; ; So lovely to hear~ Great job Fearless, Heart, and Anzu 8DD
Boy Scout? o: Awesomeness. How old ish you, dears? Haha merci beaucoup =^^= I'm gonna need it.
Same but trying to get my homework done. I have so much to make up. I really need to pass these classes @_@ Where you off to? o:
yay 8D So how are you? *doesn't know what to talk about to new people xD*
Amethyst <33 Your song is just as amazing as always. ; u ; doki doki goes my kokoro
PaW I am so loving the "ooooooo"s and echoish effect <333 Great job~
Is it odd to say I always wanna snuggle your avvy? cx
Tummer this is awesome 8D Love the emotion you put into it.