I concur B|
I don't think so either B(
I'll pass .
I LOVE this, I love how simple it is yet the colors just look beautiful. I love the increase of light right on Sora as well, it works very well. There's just a little too much open space on the left, however the focus on Sora in the sig kinda takes away the notice of this space in my opinion. Really great job, keep it up c:
Z .
Thanks for the invite! c:
Snorlax. THE snorlax.
Yeah you do.
Oh not too much xD
Glad to hear it 8D
Ohyes, it's been months O: I'm good, you?
It is my favorite gen definitely 8D
They're the only ones I've liked since 2nd gen xD
Insanely awesome, as usual
^w^ heh
Yay! ^__^
Ooh awesome ^_^ then you can upload stuff to dA if you want c:
dA is worth signing up to, even if you don't draw anything yoursef I think xD it's much easier to follow artists that way and keep up with the...
I don't think going for a walk will cure this. Hopefully it's just a phase that doesn't last too long, I know about a year ago I was experiencing this but in a lesser degree, it only lasted a few months. I was kinda scared because I thought I was bipolar, like my mom, but thankfully I wasn't. :x It might be possible that these are early signs of being bipolar however. Hopefully it's not and it'll just pass, but I'm sure if you talk to someone about it they can see if you are or not. There's medication that you can take that works surprisingly well, so all is not lost if you are. Best of luck, it's more likely just a phase.
Why thank you <3 I didn't draw it though xD artist is Zhampy on deviantART~