ooc: Right now I'm just waiting for tenshigirl.
I filled in my post, are we in?
Its confusing, but I'm thinking Roxas if I am correct...if I'm not, then I want to be third in the organization your in. Confusing, but I want to be in. I will fill in this later. I'm third in forgotten. Name: Ryan Finesse Somebody name: Victor Character name(if in organization needs X in name): Voxtirc Age: 32 Gender: Male Weapon: Claws on gloves Element: Darkness Organization Name(example is how Demyx is the Melodious Nocturne): The Torn Intelligence Organization number: III and third in command. Power(pick 3): Duplicate, Invisible, Warp Drive form: Demonic Nobodie under their control(only if you were part of the original Forgotten Org. RP): Not in the original. Personality: Intelligent, arrogant, selfish, cold, glum, destructive spasms. Bio: Destroyed himself just to gain power. Hes a scientist, and he works with auras, and other powers. Found about the heart, and immediately was driven to the idea of power. Weakness(you need one and it has to be the opposite of your element like fire > ice): Light, time Other: None. Appearance: Forgotten organization cloak, pale skin, blue eyes, scar across his ears, glasses, black hair laid back against his neck, and two strands of hair bounce on his face. preview post: I really have nothing to say...you know how I post.
Ryan Finesse put the doll back. When shes close to death, and shock would kill her, he thought. He rifled through his bag. Needles...dolls...knives...potions...thread...needles... What should I use? He found it. He took out a syringe, and placed it into his sword arm muscle. He winced as the numbing started. He also placed another bottle and drenched the blade with it. Alright. Here we go. The first affects of the concoction was starting to begin.
Your soul. Poems come from the soul completely. Many people feel that way about life, also.
All right. I agree with that. It can be like, the other person needs to be more wounded because if I use it, it can hurt me also.
Ho boy, lets go.
My chars not gone while I'm not here, Tenshigurl, but I got an idea. To make it fair, we only attack once if were gone, that way, lets say your gone and I keep on attacking you, making up that your bleeding. Comprende? We need to make this fair.. bic: Ryan walked out onto the arena. Oh crack. He thought, looking around, unsheathing his blade. Thousands of people were just watching him. Try not to think of the loss you'll get if you dont win. Win. Win. He unsheathed his blade, and kept a voodoo doll in his hand which was in his pocket. Let's go... ooc: Is voodoo like, not allowed? Is that godmodding? Cause the voodoo I'm thinking of is you need blood to decorate the doll in, and then you can do what you want with it. Or should that be a finishing move?
I have made so many stories, hates them all, got lazy, but I'm still trying.
I dont really know how it goes, but I think its like one of those platforms...(the stadium) bic: Ryan Finesse stood where he would enter. Its either do or die. Win, or I'll definately lose my heart. Fear took his heart as his imagination ran wild, thinking of the endless possibilities of the outcome. Do your best. This tournament, he took note of, was the style of the fighting, and how the out come of the injuries were. That was the real thing that made the judge decide the winner. Don't get hit, injure the opponent, handicap the enemy, and show your best moves.
Hip hip hooray! I'll pm you when I stop being lazy. Also, I just want to finish the other rp.
I think that maybe it shouldn't, since things should be specific, and without combining. But I don't know how its spam..
Really, I'm thinking it will just be you advertise, and join in the story.
Great, actually. I'm thinking of making a story in the creativity corner and also putting it on Role playing. Will you sponsor? :)
I didn't want anyone to take it and impersonate me when I become famous. Seriously. :rockdover:
Yeah, haha!
Yep, definately. Only time will tell-like her 18 hours work out!
All right...but if I'm mistaken, Tenshigurl has a big workout! She never went on in around 18 hours! WHOA! Now she'll be muscular and definately...
BBS. The story of the keyblade wielders, is going to be definately more interesting.
King of Spain, by Moxy Fruvous.