Well, that settles it. I'm buying a PS4 instead of a PS3.
Well, dang Nomura. You just made the right decision to regain our trust.
Yeah. I like frogs. XD
For some reason, they weren't shown in the video. But the HUD has Donald and Goofy's HP and MP bars. So, they will be party members like in KHI and KHII. But we're still not sure on that.
Welcome back to KH-Vids, returning member! XD
I feel the same way. I swear my heart stopped briefly for a second when I saw the teaser.
With the new announcement at E3 Today. This rumor has just been considered True.
Can we jump around the room and scream "THEY DID IT!" repeatedly?
He didn't say that it was exclusive only. But I'm not getting my hopes up.
But Terra is still currently a darkness. But who knows? He might be free of his darkness at the end of the game.
From what I've seen, It's Eraqus' Master Keeper.
We see Sora holding Eraqus' Master Keeper Keyblade. I have a feeling that either Aqua or Eraqus will return. :)
Yeah.... But still.... I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG!!!!! And jjust like what I've edited in my post. It looks like the Original Command Menu is back too.
Looks like they put the Party system back. And is that the Drive system that I'm seeing?! OMG, IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!! Edit: OMG, THE ORIGINAL COMMAND MENU IS BACK!!! I'M HAVING A HEART ATTACK RIGHT NOW!!!
OMG, this just made my day! I'm so excited!!!!
I'm so sorry to hear that.
Nah. They just plan the new games and try to make changes to reconnect the games together. They might have made some retcons to the storyline. Like Ansem being a heartless.
Hey, a returning member! Welcome back to KH-Vids!
Broken image is broken.