Modern Warfare, World at War and Modern Warfare 2 are the good ones. Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops 2 are pretty much overrated.
It would work if it's like Mission Mode or Mirage Arena, but besides that. Nah. But since Nomura said that Multiplayer might be possible, we just need to wait and see.
Yeah, I was seeing a pattern there.... But anyways, there's a possibility of new enemies. But I also prefer the enemies to be Heartless and Nobodies again, just like in KHII. Although, it's still not confirmed that the nobodies will appear in KHIII. But since Nomura said that we won't see the end of the Nobodies in KHIII, I'm guessing that they will appear in KHIII and onwards, if they make the decision to do so.
I wonder about this as well. Why would Aqua do that if she knows that she's helpless without Eraqus' Keyblade. Although she can use magic, she usually channels it with the Keyblade. So without it, she can't use any of her abilities.
I have. Still recovering from my (not literally) heart attack though. Nice signature, BTW!
I haven't sadly.... But I'll try to watch it soon!
I don't know you much but I'm sorry to hear that. You works are fantastic, I'm looking forward for more. At least you're still a member of the site.
A lot of people love them. They're music legends in my book. I love their songs and Yellow Submarine is one of my favorites.
Yes, I know that. Just recovering from my (not literally) heart attack when I first heard of it.... :)
A returning member? Welcome back to KH-Vids!
Hello there, and welcome to KH-Vids! Please ask any staff member or look around the FAQs if you have any questions. And feel free to ask any one...
Oh, I can think of a lot of Pixar movies which can be in KHIII. On an unrelated note, I just hope that Treasue Planet can be in it.
They're looking for Aqua, who is trapped in the Realm of Darkness. And Ventus, since he's hidden in a secret room in Castle Oblivion in which only Aqua knows where. Terra has a high chance of being one of Xehanort's minions. The clash of 7 lights (The Keyblade Wielders.) and 13 Darknesses (The New Organization XIII) will forge the x-Blade again and unlocking Kingdom Hearts. They need to prepare themselves for the final battle against Master Xehanort. And I'm sure that Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Aqua, Ventus and Lea? will be the 7 lights. Terra can't be one since like what I've said, he has a high chance of being a part of the New Organization XIII, since he's still in Master Xehanort's control.
This make me so happy, that I feel like I'm in heaven. Anyways, I'll wait and see how this works out. Since like what Roxam said about KHIII having some battle elements for the handheld games (BbS/DDD), KHIII will be really worth the wait.
Well, this is an interesting update for KHIII. So Summons and the MP bar are really returning in KHIII.... And we can get to play as other characters besides Sora and Riku. even though that and the multiplayer function is still in consideration. Nomura wants to play as Mickey? It seems that he's excited for the fact that King Mickey might be playable. On an unrelated note: I kick butt as mickey in Days! XD
And my dad was like, "Son! Stop screaming like a fangirl!" XD
Ninety Six. Yeah, why would you be sad, Zeldy?
So.... KHIII will be like Chain of Memories, where you control Sora and Riku.... Awesome! I just can't wait for this!
Oh yeah....
Well, I'm sure only America has that feature.... I'm not sure if my country can use it...