Optional: Sephiroth in KHI. Man that was hard.... Required. Malus in Shadow of the Colossus. It took me a while to beat the boss...
....Now I want some iced coffee....
This is a great idea. I just hope Nomura would add this in KHIII. Nice thinking hatok!
Since this is a console game and the final game for the Xehanort saga, the game might be 20-30 tops. And like what hatok said, it will take FOREVER with 100% Journal Completion.
Anti Form for me. I just like how careful you should be while using this form since you take more damage and you can't heal in any way at all.
Banned by a Gummi ship Junkie.
I already planned to buy a PS4, so no. Even if I haven't plan to buy a PS4, I still won't buy a XBone.
Banned because you're my friend.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the PC.
Where have you been? And welcome back, BTW!
I would really like Treasure Planet to appear. Sora arrives moments before Jim boards the ship. And make Captain Flint a heartless.
3DS since I already have one.
Ahh, the power of KHIII overwhelms the old members into returning.... Seriously though, welcome back to the site! See you around the forums!
It's too bad that you're leaving. Even though I don't know you well enough. Hope I can see you soon!
Banned for having a word.
I started the COD series at Modern Warfare. Although, I'm planning on getting the first three games on Steam.
Banned for having a period.
I wish I could as well. I want to collect the TF2 figures...
Like KHIII, I can't wait for this to be released. In other news, if this has more sales or more popularity than VII, a remake of it will be in the works.
And Dubstep. Don't forget the dub.