Awesome!!!!!!!! my spring doesn't start until Monday.... Bet i'm going to Vegas and California on Friday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
haha!!!! funny, so how ya been???
Hey whats up, it's been awhile sinced we talked!!!!! :D
well ichigo is cool, but his bankai doesn't beat Toshiro's. Daiguren Hyourinmaru is 10x better than tensa zangetsu ^.^
Hey whats up??? :D
Oh yeah!!!!!!! Kelun is the best japanese band ever!!!!! xD
Hey man whats up!!!!!!!! :D
just listening to my favorite japanese band :D
Hey it's been awhile !!!!!!!! :D whats up???
Hey I'm back to Partying in this website!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I love this group!!!! :D
Hey Waz up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
vegeta's quote "it's over nine thousand!!!!!!!!!!!" is so ****** hilarious!!!!!! enjoy this remix video of Vegeta's famous saying...... Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey whats up!!!!! :glomp:
So how's everybody doing???
Yay!!!!!!!! :D
Good!!!! Hey, want to join my social group??? :D
No, he didn't do it!!! :nonono: